SmartFlows Glossary

This glossary first defines generic SmartFlows terms, then describes the functionality of each SmartFlows action. Click on the action name to be brought to the action page for more detailed configuration instructions.


General SmartFlows Terms


The steps in the flow that determine what occurs. To use actions, drag and drop them from the left side Actions Menu onto the board.

Actions Menu

The list of available Actions located on the left side of the board. Here is where you select actions to drag and drop onto the board.

Audio Library

The Audio Library is where your prerecorded files are saved. This is also where you will store any responses that you record yourself.


Blocks are the actual icons that you drag onto the board. Each block has an identifying number displayed on the tab on the top left corner based on the order in which the block was brought onto the board.


The board is the graphical canvas on which you build each flow. You will drag and drop actions onto the board to start building.


Each action has required and optional configurations. The configurations will appear on the right side of the board when you select an action. Configurations include inputs and paths.


The connector links an action to another action. It is the cord that links each block.


Deploy your flow when you have all elements complete. As soon as you hit deploy, your flow will be active.


A complete experience across a flow, starting from the trigger action and ending with the completion of a flow.


The overall journey your end-user experiences. Flows are built using the drag-and-drop actions.

Flow Editor

The visual editing tool used to build your flow. This term encompasses the Actions, Board, and Configurations components.


Each action has its own inputs. Some inputs are required while others add optional functionality. Inputs can be found to the right of the board when an action is selected.


Ports live on both sides of each action block. The port is where a connector attaches to an action.


Save your flow so that you can return to make adjustments at a later time.


Actions that initiate a flow. A flow needs a trigger to start and can only have one.


Confirm all necessary configurations have been completed and the flow is functional.


Variables are placeholders for values that can be reused throughout the flow. For example, transcribed text will be assigned a variable that can be passed to another system in a web call. Variables follow this syntax:


Check out the How to Use Variables video or the How to Use Variables in SmartFlows page for more examples of how you can use variables within your flows.





Prepares a flow to be triggered by an Engage campaign. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "ICAMP".

Inbound API

Initiate a flow from an external system. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "IAPI".

Inbound Call

Prepares a flow to be triggered by an incoming call. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "ICALL".

Inbound SMS/MMS

Prepares a flow to be triggered by an incoming SMS or MMS. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "ISMS/IMMS".


Begin a continuous workflow, repeating at a specific interval. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "ISCHEDULE".



Collect DTMF

Allows a user to input a response using their key pad. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "DTMF".


Call a specified phone line. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "DIAL".

Hang Up

Ends a phone call for users on both ends of the call. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "HANGUP".

Menu Tree

Create a menu of options for customers to choose from (an IVR menu). When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "MENU_TREE".

Play Audio

Plays a clip of audio to the caller (text-to-speech or audio clip). Cannot be interrupted. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "AUDIO".

Press or Say

Allow callers to provide input through speech or DTMF input using the dial pad on their phone.

Record Response

Record a portion of the call. You can select whether to only record the user, to only record your internal responder, or to record everything. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "REC".


Include a known DTMF value (e.g., extension for a specific department, meeting code for a conference call, etc.) and automatically move to the next step in your flow.


Move your flow to a different phone line. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "TRANSFER".




Send a text or multimedia message. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "SMS/MMS".


Flow Logic


Perform mathematical operations (i.e., Add, Subtract, Multiply, or Divide) within your flow. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "COMPUTE".


Allows an action to take a certain path given specific conditions of variables previously established in the flow. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "COND".


Keep track of certain events that happen during the flow. Every time the flow passes through the counter, it will increase or decrease by a user-specified number. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "COUNTER_{Action ID Number}" (e.g., "COUNTER_21").

Day of Week

Direct a caller based on what day it is. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "DAY_OF_WEEK".

External Web Call

Send and receive information with an external system. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "EXTCALL".

Jump To & Jump From

Connect two flows together. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "JUMPTO" or "JUMPFROM".


Configure a flow to wait for a set period of time before executing the next action. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "PAUSE".

Percent Routing

Route calls based on percentages of callers. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "PERCENT_ROUTING".

Regional Routing

Route calls based on logic about the region, time zone, specific area code, or even specific ANI (caller number). When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "REGIONAL_ROUTING".


This is a syntax that enables the user to search and match strings for specific patterns. This can be used to extract valuable information from a chunk of text, such as credit card numbers or zip codes. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "REGEX".

Set (Variable)

Establish a new variable of literal value or rename an existing variable. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "SETVAR".

String Operations

Perform string operations (i.e., Substring, Position, Length, First, Last, or Concat) within your flow. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "STRING_OPERATIONS".


Change the path of the flow based on the evaluation of a specific criterion. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "SWITCH".


Call Recording

Start Capture*

Begin recording a call. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "START_CAP".

Pause Capture*

Temporarily stop recording a call. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "PAUSE_CAP".

Note: This will create a new audio recording file.

Resume Capture*

Restart the recording of a call after it has been paused. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "RESUME_CAP".

Stop Capture*

End the recording of a call. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "STOP_CAP".


Intelligent Assistant


Connect a generative AI Intelligent Virtual Agent (IVA) to your flow.

Watson Assistant*

Integrate a conversational chat bot interface into your flow using IBM’s Watson. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "WATSONASSIST".

Lex Bot*

Integrate a conversational chat bot interface into your flow using Amazon Web Services (AWS). When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "LEXBOT".


Natural Language Processing

Speech Recognition*

Convert an audio recording into text and return sentiment and tonality. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "SPEECHREC".


Returns the attitude or feeling on a piece of text. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "SENTIMENT".

Detect Language*

Recognize the language of a piece of text and cater your flow to that language. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "DETECTLANG".


Convert a piece of text from one language to another. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "TRANSLATE".



Add List Item

Allows you to dynamically add a record to a list, directly from your flow. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "LIST_ADD".

Delete List Item

Allows you to dynamically remove a record from a list, directly from your flow. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "LIST_DELETE".

List Lookup

Allows you to lookup one or more fields (e.g., firstname, phone, location) from a list directly from your flow, and use that information in subsequent actions. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "LIST_LOOKUP".

Update List Item

Allows you to dynamically update a field (e.g., firstname, phone location) in a list, directly from your flow. When you drag this action onto the board, the default name is "LIST_UPDATE".


*Denote premium actions