August 15, 2024

The following enhancements were made to the GenAI IVA action:
The following fields were added to the Inputs section:
AI Workflow
Use this field to create a "Fixed" or "Dynamic" workflow. Depending on which workflow type you select, the following Input fields will appear or disappear as appropriate.
If you are configuring a "Fixed" workflow the Group, Type, and Name fields appear.
If you are configuring a "Dynamic" workflow the Agent ID field and the Response Variables drop-down list appear.
Note: By default, this field is set to "Fixed".
Initial Message
Use this field to send a message to the Large Language Model (LLM), prior to the User Message.
Note: Using this functionality may impact latency within your flow.
User Message
Use this field to send the message from the customer to the LLM.
When the Autotrigger Function check box is not selected, the Body text box appears.
Use this text box to fill in the "function_name" details.
You can now use OAuth 2.0 authentication with an External Web Call.
From the Authentication Type drop-down list select "Basic Auth" or "OAuth 2.0".
When you choose "OAuth 2.0", new fields appear to enter your credentials.
Note: The only OAuth Grant Type currently supported is "client_credentials".
A new warning message will appear to prevent unexpected looping issues.
If looping is detected within your flow a pop-up message appears at the top of the board along with a message in the Configurations Panel, detailing the relevant action(s).
The only special characters that can be used in a custom action Name are the underscore(_) and hyphen (-) characters.
If you attempt to save or deploy a flow with an action Name containing any other special characters an error message will appear and you must rename the action to move forward.
Note: All action names must be less than 32 characters and cannot contain special characters besides _or -. If you rename the Inbound SMS/MMS or Send SMS/MMS actions the slash (/) character cannot be used in the new name.
The Pause action has a new look. Functionality remains the same, but when you drag and drop Pause onto the board, a new icon appears to the left of the Name.
The following bugs were resolved:
The search bar on the Number Assignment page was updated to ensure results for labels containing a space appear as expected.
Previously, when searching for a multi-word label, only the content before the space would be searched (e.g., if you searched for "Sales Team" all results for "Sales" would appear).
An error causing multiple new flows to open unexpectedly when using the New Flow button was resolved.
This issue occurred when a new flow was being configured and the New Flow button from the Actions menu was clicked. If the save pop-up message was closed via the X button, the New Flow button was clicked again, and the Exit Without Saving option was selected, resulting in two new flow tabs appearing.
Flows containing multiple Press or Say actions with the Input Type "Digit Sequence" configured were erroneously showing the incorrect Validation field options when navigating between two Press or Say actions with different validations.
This issue was resolved, and when you move between two Press or Say actions, the configurations no longer persist.
An issue causing a flow deployment error message to unexpectedly persist was resolved.
Previously, the error message would initially appear as expected, but even when the issues were resolved and the flow was successfully deployed, the error message would remain until closed via the X button.
When attempting to delete a Text-to-Speech (TTS) Error Message for the Record Response action, an issue caused the Intro message to be deleted instead.
This issue was resolved, and the Error Message section TTS can now be deleted, while the Intro message remains, as expected.
Lists previously associated with the Add List Item, Delete List Item, List Lookup, and Update List Item actions were not appearing in the Select List field as expected.
This issue was resolved and the lists previously configured now appear with these actions.
If you have the same flow open in two tabs and attempt to save the flow in a different folder via each tab, the flow will only appear in the last folder it was saved to.
Previously, the flow would erroneously appear in both folders.
An issue causing previously opened flow Versions and History information to persist when a new flow is opened was resolved.
Previously, if you expanded the Versions and History sections of the Configurations Panel and then open a new flow, the data from the earlier opened flow would incorrectly appear in the second flow's Configurations Panel.
For PCI users, an error caused flows with the Press or Say Enable Voice Input toggle turned off not to follow the Timeout path when expected.
This error was resolved, and the Timeout path is now used when appropriate.