September 12, 2024

You can now designate SmartFlows Administrators within your account.
An administrator can view and edit all flows under your account, regardless of the original flow creator or the sharing settings.
Use the Zoom to Fit button at the top of the board to center all of the actions in your flow on the board.
The board automatically zooms in or out (depending on the size of the flow) to give a comprehensive view of your flow.
Note: This functionality is off by default.
When you click on a flow path via the Action section of the Configurations Panel, the action connected to that exit port is highlighted and centered on the board.
For example, if you clicked on the On Answer path from the Action section of the Transfer action, the next action, Play Audio, would be centered on your screen, the connector between Transfer and Play Audio would be orange, and the Play Audio Input fields would appear in the Configurations Panel.
The system variable $DateTime.currentDate now appears in the Available Variables section of the action level Configurations Panel.
The following bugs were resolved:
Menu Tree audio features now appear consistently in each section of the Audio Settings pop-up. Previously, the stop button and progress bar would intermittently not appear or disappear after the play button was clicked.
Any extra spaces before or after a number in the Transfer action Transfer to # field and before or after the value in the Regex action Regex field, are now automatically removed to prevent an error.
If there are any other invalid entries or errors in these fields, an error message will appear, as expected.
When you edit and save an existing flow variable via the Set action, the updates are now saved as expected. Previously, an error caused edits to existing set variables (not custom) to not save successfully.
An error causing a copied Press or Say action to have duplicated Text-to-Speech audio messages assigned to it was resolved. This issue occurred when the Enhanced Error Handling toggle was turned off and back on again, and resulted in deployment errors.
An error causing new variables created within the Press or Say action not to appear for use with downstream actions was resolved. The Press or Say variables now appear in the Available Variables section for downstream actions as expected.
An issue causing the Collect DTMF and Press or Say actions Termination Key toggle to behave unexpectedly was resolved. Previously, if a flow was configured with a custom termination key before the toggle functionality was available and the flow was later edited, even if these actions weren't updated, functionality unexpectedly could change.
Previously, when configuring an Add List Item action, a new blank list field row was erroneously created after navigating away from the action, causing an error. This issue was resolved, and blank rows are no longer created automatically.
When you save configurations for an individual action, a new success message appears in the bottom of the Configurations Panel.
Previously, there was no save confirmation message.
If your action includes errors, an error message will appear under the save confirmation.
Previously, some changes could be made and you would not have to save before exiting your flow. The updates were not saved and would not appear the next time the flow was opened. You will now be prompted to save your flow when making the following changes:
Audio message updates via the Audio Settings pop-up
Jump To connected flow changes
Press or Say Enable Voice Input toggle updates
An error causing the Configurations Panel not to appear when a new flow was created via the New Flow button in the Actions menu was resolved.
Previously, if you opened a flow, closed it, and then clicked New Flow, the Configurations Panel would not appear on the right of the screen.
The Show Only Deployed toggle was removed from the Assign Flow pop-up. When assigning a number to a flow via the Number Assignment page, only previously deployed flows can be assigned a number.
When a number is removed from your account inventory it will automatically be removed from any flows or action specific fields under your account.
If you search for a flow via the search bar on the Flows page, you can now click the Flows menu option on the left to go back to the default view, displaying all flows and folders in the table.
Previously, to go back to the default view, you had to use the back button on your browser or click a different menu option.
Pagination on the Flows page now displays the correct current page number when a flow or folder is edited from the second or greater page of results.
For example, previously if a folder was deleted from the third page of results, the folder would disappear from the third page as expected, but the label page 1 would incorrectly appear at the bottom of the table.
An error causing copies of flows organized within folder to not appear within the Flows table was resolved.
Previously, if you open an original flow from a folder and copied it via the Copy Flow button in the Actions menu, the copied flow would not appear in the Flows table as expected.
When moving multiple flows into a folder, an error caused the flows to appear in both the default flows table and the folder. This error was resolved, and flows now appear only in the folder they were moved to.
On the Audio Library page, the "Upload (WAV files only)" message now only appears when hovering over the Upload button and disappears when you move your mouse away, or after your file is added.
Previously, the message would linger on screen unexpectedly.
For some complex flows, error messages were not appearing on the board or at the bottom of the Configurations Panel, as expected, but still blocking deployment. This issue was resolved and error messages now appear in a timely manner, and flows can be deployed once the errors are corrected.
If you attempt to log out while a flow with unsaved changes is open, you must first save your flow or confirm to log out without saving via the Unsaved Changes pop-up.