April 22, 2021

The CPaaS Portal homepage has a new look. You’ll now see a few suggestions for getting started and custom information based on your account.
The following updates were made to the List Management pages:
Your List Name must be unique. If you try to create a list with the same name as an existing list, you will receive an error message and must change the name before you can save your new list.
When you create a new list, you’ll initially see a placeholder in the List Preview section. Once you upload your CSV file, your list details will fill in the preview section.
If an error occurs when creating a new list you’ll receive a detailed pop-up message explaining why your list couldn’t be created.
Add a List Description when you create a new list or update the description on the list modification page.
Click the edit icon next to the List Name on the list modification page to change the name of your list.
Click the Refresh button on the list modification page to reflect the latest updates to a list.
Click the Download button on the list modification page to download a CSV file of an existing list.
Update your list’s sharing setting (public or private) on the list modification page.

The Customer Portal has a new look. You’ll see a new blue header at the top of the portal and the My Applications icons have been updated.

For SMS campaigns, a character and segment count are included below the campaign content textbox. Each segment is limited to 160 characters and the maximum message length is 1,600 characters, or 10 segments.
Note: If your SMS includes a list field variable the character count cannot be calculated precisely. A note appears below the textbox indicating the character count is not accurate.
You can now select the appropriate Method of Contact and choose to Split Contacts by Timezone when you’re creating or updating a campaign. After you choose your list(s) of recipients, a table appears with a row for each of the selected lists and the available Method of Contact options and the Split Contacts by Timezone check box.

You are now able to access three years’ worth of call data in the Voice Services dashboard and Call report.
Call data is now available in Insights within 5-8 minutes of the call occurring, down from 45 minutes.

If you filter the Flows page to only show your deployed flows, the icons in the Status column will no longer disappear.
The API Authorization Input fields were removed from the Lists actions (i.e., Add List Item, Delete List Item, List Lookup, and Update List Item).
If a caller reaches the Menu Tree Max Attempts limit, they will only hear the Max Attempts audio. Previously, the audio for both Invalid and Max Attempts would play.