Looking Up a Jira Service Desk Issue
To look up a Jira Service Desk issue via SmartFlows, you need the following:
Look Up an Issue Based on Issue ID
- Add an External Web Call action to your flow.
- Configure the action as follows:
USER NAME: {Jira Username}
PASSWORD: {Jira Password}
URL OF SERVICE: {Jira instance name}.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue/{Issue ID}
CONTENT-TYPE: application/json
- Configure the RESPONSE VARIABLES to capture the issue information. For more information see the Jira Issue support page.
- Save and Deploy your flow.
Look Up an Issue Based on Assigned User
- Add an External Web Call action to your flow.
- Configure the action as follows:
USER NAME: {Jira Username}
PASSWORD: {Jira Password}
URL OF SERVICE: {Jira instance name}.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/search?jql=assignee={User Name}
CONTENT-TYPE: application/json
- Configure the RESPONSE VARIABLES to capture the ticket information. For more information see the Jira Issue support page.
- Save and Deploy your flow.