June 17, 2021

search, startDate, endDate, and modified are new optional query parameters for the List Management Retrieve List Details endpoint.
Include search in the endpoint URL to find list elements with a specific value (e.g, search=John would return any elements including the name John).
Note: If you include the search parameter in your request, any startDate, endDate, and modified parameters will be omitted.
Include startDate in the endpoint URL to find list elements created on a specific date. (e.g., startDate=2021-6-17 would return any elements created on June 17, 2021).
Include both startDate and endDate in the endpoint URL to find list elements created within a specific timespan (e.g., startDate=2021-6-17&endDate=2021-6-18 would return any elements created from June 17, 2021 through June 18, 2021).
Include the modified parameter with a true value in the endpoint URL to find list elements modified on a specific date or within a specific timespan (e.g., startDate=2021-6-17&endDate=2021-6-18&modified=true would return any elements modified from June 17, 2021 through June 18, 2021).
Note: If the false value is included with the modified parameter, the creation date is referenced instead.
Note: If you include the startDate parameter in your request, the endDate and modified parameters are optional. But if startDate is not included and the endDate and modified parameters are included, they will be omitted and the request will retrieve all list elements.
A new List Management endpoint is available to retrieve the status of list elements added via CSV file or JSON:
GET /rest/v1/my/list/<listId>/status
List statuses include: created, processing, completed, and failed.

The List Management page was updated to include the Status of each list. When you add a new list, if the CSV file is very large it may take some time for the file to be processed. The Status column on the List Management page and the Status field on the list details page let you know the state of your list and when it’s successfully processed. List statuses include: created, processing, completed, and failed.
Note: CSV files exceeding 6 MB cannot be added to a list.