List Management APIs
This guide describes the APIs available to automatically create and manage lists. Using these APIs you can:
Lists used within Engage campaigns and SmartFlows are manually uploaded and managed through the Lists menu option at the top of the CPaaS Portal or the List Management application within the Customer Portal, but you can also automate List Management features through our APIs.
Getting Started
Before you begin using these APIs make sure you've obtained an authentication token.
Note: List Management APIs only work with the longstanding token associated with CPaaS Portal accounts. The 24 hour token available through Customer Portal accounts will not work with the List Management APIs.
The authentication token must always be preceded by the word "Bearer" (e.g., "Authorization: Bearer {token}").
Check out the API Basics page to learn more about basic requirements for using the List Management APIs.
Note: For all requests Content-Type and Accept headers must be in JSON format.
Base URL
All of the following endpoints share the same base URL:
(e.g., POST/
Note: The current version is v1 (e.g., POST/rest/v1/my/list).
List Management APIs
Click on the APIs below to view the parameters and code samples associated with each endpoint.

Use this endpoint to create a new list.
You can create a new list to group a subset of records for specific communications. For example:
Only team members in Denver, not California, are notified by HR that the office will be closed following a blizzard (i.e., notifications based on geographic area lists)
Customers who previously bought a harness for their dog will receive notifications when other dog accessories are on sale (i.e., lists based on previous purchase history)
Note: You must send your request in JSON format.
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
listName: string, *Required
Give your list a unique and descriptive name. This will also appear on the CPaaS Portal List Management or Customer Portal List Management page.
headerInfo: array, *Required
These are the columns of your list.
description: string, optional
Include a unique and descriptive statement about your list.
sharing: string, optional
Specify if your list is "public" or "private". If your list is public, anyone on your account can see and use it. If your list is private, only you can see and use it.
Sample Request
"listName":"my new contact list",
"description":"this will contain information about my new list"
Sample Response
"listName":"my new contact list",
"description":"this will contain information about my new list",

Use this endpoint to add an element to an existing list. An element is a record, or row of your list.
You can add a new subscriber to notifications or promo campaigns with this endpoint.
Note: You must send your request in JSON format.
Path Parameters
listId: string, *Required
The List ID is a randomly generated set of characters assigned to your List. Your List ID can be found in the success response when you Create a New List, or using the Retrieve All Lists Data endpoint.
Query Parameters
elementInfo: object
You must include the same header values used in the list you’re adding the element to (e.g., if “phonenumber” is a header value in your list, and you just include “phone” in the body, you’re request won’t be successful).
Sample Request
"elementInfo": {
"metadata": {
"name": "string",
"age": 0,
"...": "string"
Sample Response

Use this endpoint to upload new list elements via CSV file to an existing list.
You can add subscribers to a newly created list via a CSV file exported from a CRM tool or other repository. Using this endpoint the header values (columns) and row elements (records) from your CSV file populate the empty list.
Note: You must send your request in JSON format.
Path Parameters
listId: string, *Required
The List ID is a randomly generated set of characters assigned to your List. Your List ID can be found in the success response when you Create a New List, or using the Retrieve All Lists Data endpoint.
Query Parameters
CSV file: *Required
Your file must be comma separated with no spaces in the header values (e.g., “phonenumber” is acceptable but “phone number” is not acceptable), and no duplicate header values (e.g., if your headers were “firstname”, “lastname”, “lastname” your request won’t be successful).
Sample Request
"csv": "string"
Sample Response
"ok": "true"

Use this endpoint to upload new list elements via JSON to an existing list.
You can add subscribers to a newly created list via code. Using this endpoint the header values (headerInfo) and row elements (metadata) from your code populate the empty list.
Note: You must send your request in JSON format.
Path Parameters
listId: string, *Required
The List ID is a randomly generated set of characters assigned to your List. Your List ID can be found in the success response when you Create a New List, or using the Retrieve All Lists Data endpoint.
Query Parameters
headerInfo: array
These are the columns of your list.
elements: object[]
These are the rows of your list (i.e., record details).
Sample Request
"metadata": [
"name": "john",
"lastName": "doe",
"phone": "+1293943943"
"name": "jane",
"lastName": "dee",
"phone": "+323483483"
Sample Response

Use this endpoint to add a new header field to an existing list.
Note: You cannot remove a new field once it's added. Ensure the field name and spelling are correct before executing your request.
Note: You must send your request in JSON format.
Path Parameters
listId: string, *Required
The List ID is a randomly generated set of characters assigned to your List. Your List ID can be found in the success response when you Create a New List, or using the Retrieve All Lists Data endpoint.
Query Parameters
field: string, *Required
The new field name for your list.
Note: The new field name cannot contain any spaces and must be unique for the list.
value: string
Include a default value that will be applied to all existing list records.
Sample Request
"field": "active",
"value": true
Sample Response
"data": {
"ok": true
"error": null

Use this endpoint to retrieve the status of your list.
When you create a new list and add elements via CSV file or JSON, if your list is very large it may take some time for the elements to be processed. The status let's you know the state of your list and when the elements are successfully added. List statuses include: created, processing, completed, and failed.
Path Parameters
listId: string, *Required
The List ID is a randomly generated set of characters assigned to your List. Your List ID can be found in the success response when you Create a New List, or using the Retrieve All Lists Data endpoint.
Query Parameters
Sample Request
GET /rest/v1/my/list/60391b9aade7cb1af64d7d48/status
Sample Response
"status": "completed",
"message": "List was processed successfully"

Use this endpoint to update details of a single existing element.
You can update the details for one record on your list with this endpoint. For example, if a customer provides an update for their preferred method of contact or new phone number.
Note: You must send your request in JSON format.
Path Parameters
listId: string, *Required
The List ID is a randomly generated set of characters assigned to your List. Your List ID can be found in the success response when you Create a New List, or using the Retrieve All Lists Data endpoint.
Query Parameters
updateInfo: object
You must include the same header value(s) used within the list (e.g., if “phonenumber” is a header value in your list, and you just include “phone” in the body, you’re request won’t be successful). If a nonexistent header is sent you would also get an error (e.g., if you added in “country”).
findConditions: object
You must include the same header value(s) used within the list (e.g., if “phonenumber” is a header value in your list and you use “phone” as a condition, a match won’t be found ).
elementId: string
The Element ID is the randomly generated set of characters assigned to your element. Your Element ID can be found in the success response when you Create a New Element.
Note: elementId and findConditions are mutually exclusive. Use one or the other to find the element you want to lookup.
Sample Request
Using findConditions:
"name": "john",
"lastName": "doe",
"phone": "+1293943943"
"phone": "+283892893"
Or using elementId:
"name": "john",
"lastName": "doe",
"phone": "+1293943943"
"elementId": "6070b6c765c3be0008e2051e"
Sample Response

Use this endpoint to update the details of more than one elements in the same existing list.
You can update the details for multiple records in your list with this endpoint. For example, if there is an annual update for all customer preferred methods of contact and many recipients have new phone numbers.
Note: You must send your request in JSON format.
Path Parameters
listId: string, *Required
The List ID is a randomly generated set of characters assigned to your List. Your List ID can be found in the success response when you Create a New List, or using the Retrieve All Lists Data endpoint.
Query Parameters
updateInfo: object
You must include the same header value(s) used within the list (e.g., if “phonenumber” is a header value in your list, and you just include “phone” in the body, you’re request won’t be successful). If a nonexistent header is sent you would also get an error (e.g., if you added in “country”).
findConditions: object
You must include the same header value(s) used within the list (e.g., if “phonenumber” is a header value in your list and you use “phone” as a condition, a match won’t be found ).
Sample Request
"name": "john",
"phone": "+1293943943"
"phone": "John"
Sample Response
"updatedElements": 2,
" matches": 3
Note: updatedElements is the number of matched elements that were actually updated. matches is the number of elements that match the conditions in findConditions.

Use this endpoint to initiate exporting an existing list associated with your account.
You can download the entire list of records in CSV or JSON format.
Note: Use this endpoint followed by the Retrieve an Exported List endpoint, below. This endpoint just initiates the export. You must then use the Retrieve an Exported List endpoint to download the file.
Note: You must send your request in JSON format.
Path Parameters
listId: string, *Required
The List ID is a randomly generated set of characters assigned to your List. Your List ID can be found in the success response when you Create a New List, or using the Retrieve All Lists Data endpoint.
Query Parameters
You can export your list as a CSV file ("csv") or JSON ("json").
Sample Request
CSV file:
"type": "csv"
"type": "json"
Sample Response
Status: 200
"data": {
"ok": true
"error": null

Use this endpoint to determine the status of an exported list and download it.
Note: Use this endpoint following the Export a List endpoint, above. You must use the Export a List endpoint first, to initiate the export, and then use this endpoint to download it via the URL in the response.
Available export statuses include: ready (i.e., the file is done), processing, and failed.
Path Parameters
listId: string, *Required
The List ID is a randomly generated set of characters assigned to your List. Your List ID can be found in the success response when you Create a New List, or using the Retrieve All Lists Data endpoint.
Query Parameters
Sample Request
Sample Response
Status: 200
"data": {
"status": "ready",
"count": 4,
"createdDate": "2021-07-01T17:09:17.418Z",
"url": ""
"error": null

Use this endpoint to delete a single element from an existing list.
You can remove one record from your list with this endpoint. For example, if a customer requests to unsubscribe from notifications.
Path Parameters
listId: string, *Required
The List ID is a randomly generated set of characters assigned to your List. Your List ID can be found in the success response when you Create a New List, or using the Retrieve All Lists Data endpoint.
Query Parameters
findConditions: object
You must include the same header value(s) used within the list (e.g., if “phonenumber” is a header value in your list and you use “phone” as a condition, a match won’t be found ).
elementId: string
The Element ID is the randomly generated set of characters assigned to your element. Your Element ID can be found in the success response when you Create a New Element.
Note: elementId and findConditions are mutually exclusive. Use one or the other to find the element you want to lookup.
Sample Request
Using findConditions:
"phone": "+283892893"
Or using elementId:
"elementId": "6070b6c765c3be0008e2051e"
Sample Response

Use this endpoint to delete multiple elements from the same list.
You can remove multiple records from your list with this endpoint. For example, if there is an annual update and many recipients elect to unsubscribe from notifications.
Path Parameters
listId: string, *Required
The List ID is a randomly generated set of characters assigned to your List. Your List ID can be found in the success response when you Create a New List, or using the Retrieve All Lists Data endpoint.
Query Parameters
findConditions: object
Include the same header value(s) used within the list (e.g., if “phonenumber” is a header value in your list and you use “phone” as a condition, a match won’t be found ).
Note: If you include findConditions as an empty object (e.g., { "findConditions": {}}) an error will be returned. Check out the Archive All List Elements endpoint instead if you want to remove all list elements.
Or, include modifiedDate or createdDate to bulk delete records based on a specific date range.
Note: startDate, endDate, and timezoneOffsetHours are required to set the date range. timezoneOffsetHours converts database times and finds list records within the correct timespan (e.g., if you are located in Denver, Colorado (GMT-6), the parameter timezoneOffsetHours: 6 would return elements for your timespan adjusted to the correct timezone).
Sample Request
{ "findConditions":
"phone": "John"
Sample Response
"removedElements": 2,
"matches": 3
Note: removedElements is the number of matched elements that were actually removed. matches is the number of elements that match the conditions in findConditions.

Use this endpoint to archive all elements in an existing list.
Note: Archiving all elements serves as a soft delete. You won't be able to retrieve your elements, so please triple check before removing all elements in a list.
Note: You must send your request in JSON format.
Path Parameters
listId: string, *Required
The List ID is a randomly generated set of characters assigned to your List. Your List ID can be found in the success response when you Create a New List, or using the Retrieve All Lists Data endpoint.
Query Parameters
Sample Request
Sample Response
"data": {
"ok": true,
"elementsUpdated": 25
"error": null

Use this endpoint to soft delete a list associated with your account.
Note: If you delete a list, it will be gone forever. Please triple check before deleting a list.
The deleted list will no longer appear on the List Management page. You cannot delete a list assigned to an active Engage campaign. Please deactivate the campaign, or remove the list you want to delete and assign a different list to the campaign, before deleting a list assigned to an active campaign. If you delete a list referenced in a List Action within SmartFlows, the flow will not function correctly (e.g., the flow will not be able to match the list details). Please ensure the flow configuration is updated to match another list before deleting a list associated with flow.
Path Parameters
listId: string, *Required
The List ID is a randomly generated set of characters assigned to your List. Your List ID can be found in the success response when you Create a New List, or using the Retrieve All Lists Data endpoint.
Query Parameters
Sample Request
DELETE /rest/v1/my/list/606380be9b369d000858f26c
Sample Response
"ok": "true"

Use this endpoint to look up a single list element.
You can search for one record on your list with this endpoint and view metadata about that item. For example, you could pull in recipient details from your list into another system to automatically fill in their contact details.
Note: You must send your request in JSON format.
Path Parameters
listId: string, *Required
The List ID is a randomly generated set of characters assigned to your List. Your List ID can be found in the success response when you Create a New List, or using the Retrieve All Lists Data endpoint.
Query Parameters
findConditions: object
You must include the same header value(s) used within the list (e.g., if “phonenumber” is a header value in your list and you use “phone” as a condition, a match won’t be found ).
Use findConditions and a header value from your list to find the first empty record that matches your conditions. For example, to find missing customer phone numbers you could use:
{ "findConditions": { "phonenumber": "" } }
To search for an exact match: Use findConditions, a header value from your list, and include $eq before the value you want to find. If you do not include $eq, your search results will include any partial matches.
elementId: string
The Element ID is the randomly generated set of characters assigned to your element. Your Element ID can be found in the success response when you Create a New Element.
Note: elementId and findConditions are mutually exclusive. Use one or the other to find the element you want to lookup.
Sample Request
Using findConditions:
"phone": "+283892893"
Or using elementId:
"elementId": "6070b6c765c3be0008e2051e"
Sample Response
"data": {
"id": "605a9082b355eb65b1d1c150",
"listId": "605a8fbb26949b64edb55f1f",
"deleteFlag": false,
"modifiedBy": "",
"createdBy": "",
"modifiedDate": "2021-03-24T01: 06: 08.000Z",
"createdDate": "2021-03-24T01: 06: 08.000Z",
"metadata": {
"name": "Diego",
"age": "30",
"phone": "+15550000001",
"id": "1234567890"
"matches": 1
"error": null

Use this endpoint to lookup multiple elements from a list.
You can search for multiple records on your list with this endpoint and view metadata about them. For example, you could pull in recipient details from your list into another system to automatically fill in contact details.
Note: You must send your request in JSON format.
Path Parameters
listId: string, *Required
The List ID is a randomly generated set of characters assigned to your List. Your List ID can be found in the success response when you Create a New List, or using the Retrieve All Lists Data endpoint.
Query Parameters
page: default 1
The number of pages your query will return. Max value is 100.
pageSize: default 10
The number of records included on each page of results your query will return. If your query is too large (e.g., one thousand elements are identified), an empty list will be returned.
Note: Only the first 10 records on your list will be returned per the default values above.
findConditions: object
You must include the same header value(s) used within the list (e.g., if “phonenumber” is a header value in your list and you use “phone” as a condition, a match won’t be found).
Use findConditions and a header value from your list to find all of the empty records that match your conditions. For example, to find missing customer phone numbers you could use:
{ "findConditions": { "phonenumber": "" } }
To search for an exact match: Use findConditions, a header value from your list, and include $eq before the value you want to find. If you do not include $eq, your search results will include any partial matches.
Sample Request
{ "findConditions":
"phone": "John"
Sample Response
"data": {
"elements": [
"id": "605a9082b355eb65b1d1c150",
"listId": "605a8fbb26949b64edb55f1f",
"deleteFlag": false,
"modifiedBy": "",
"createdBy": "",
"modifiedDate": "2021-03-24T01: 06: 08.000Z",
"createdDate": "2021-03-24T01: 06: 08.000Z",
"metadata": {
"name": "Diego",
"age": "30",
"phone": "+15550000001",
"id": "1234567890"
"count": 1,
"hasMore": false,
"matches": 1
"error": null
Note: matches is the number of elements that match the conditions in findConditions.

Use this endpoint to get data associated with a specific list.
Easily manage your list and view associated metadata in one location. You can view data about a list (e.g., name, headers, elements, etc.) and compare it with another system.
Path Parameters
listId: string, *Required
The List ID is a randomly generated set of characters assigned to your List. Your List ID can be found in the success response when you Create a New List, or using the Retrieve All Lists Data endpoint.
Query Parameters
page: default 1, *Required
The number of pages your query will return. Max value is 100.
pageSize: default 10, *Required
The number of records included on each page of results your query will return. If your query is too large (e.g., one thousand elements are identified), an empty list will be returned.
Note: Only the first 10 records on your list will be returned per the default values above.
search: optional
Find list elements with a specific value (e.g, search=John would return any elements including the name John).
Note: If you include the search parameter in your request, any startDate, endDate, and modified parameters will be omitted.
startDate: optional
Find list elements created on a specific date (e.g., startDate=2021-6-17 would return any elements created on June 17, 2021).
endDate: optional
Include both startDate and endDate to find list elements created within a specific timespan (e.g., startDate=2021-6-17&endDate=2021-6-18 would return any elements created from June 17, 2021 through June 18, 2021).
modified: optional
Find list elements modified on a specific date or within a specific timespan (e.g., startDate=2021-6-17&endDate=2021-6-18&modified=true would return any elements modified from June 17, 2021 through June 18, 2021).
Note: If you include the startDate parameter in your request, the endDate and modified parameters are optional. But if startDate is not included and the endDate and modified parameters are included, they will be omitted and the request will retrieve all list elements.
timezoneOffsetHours: integer, *Required if you include the startDate parameter in your request
Include your timezone to convert database times and find list elements within the correct timespan (e.g., if you are located in Denver, Colorado (GMT-6), the parameter timezoneOffsetHours: 6 would return elements for your timespan adjusted to the correct timezone).
Sample Request
GET rest/v1/my/list/6070be393d4b3c00082484bd?page=1&pageSize=10
Sample Response

Use this endpoint to get a total count of the lists associated with your account.
You can view how many lists have been created and compare it with another system.
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
Sample Request
Sample Response
"total": 20

Use this endpoint to get a total count of the elements in a specific list.
You can view how many records are included in a list and compare it with another system. Use your record count to monitor things like a growing opt-out list or any significant changes in recipient totals.
Path Parameters
listId: string, *Required
The List ID is a randomly generated set of characters assigned to your List. Your List ID can be found in the success response when you Create a New List, or using the Retrieve All Lists Data endpoint.
Query Parameters
Sample Request
GET /rest/v1/my/list/6070be393d4b3c00082484bd/count
Sample Response
"total": 20

Use this endpoint to get the metadata for a specific list associated with your account.
You can view metadata (e.g., time zone) and “version control” details (e.g., date it was created, who most recently modified it) about a list.
Path Parameters
listId: string, *Required
The List ID is a randomly generated set of characters assigned to your List. Your List ID can be found in the success response when you Create a New List, or using the Retrieve All Lists Data endpoint.
Query Parameters
Sample Request
GET /rest/v1/my/list/6070be393d4b3c00082484bd/information
Sample Response
"data": {
"listName": "myListt",
"description": null,
"sharing": "private",
"modifiedDate": "2021-04-09T20:55:57.709Z",
"modifiedBy": "",
"createdDate": "2021-04-09T20:49:34.000Z",
"createdBy": "",
"deleteFlag": false,
"customerId": "1140843",
"listId": "6070be393d4b3c00082484bd",
"headerInfo": [
"error": null

Use this endpoint to update the metadata for a specific list associated with your account.
You can update list data such as the list name, description, and time zone.
Note: You must send your request in JSON format.
Path Parameters
listId: string, *Required
The List ID is a randomly generated set of characters assigned to your List. Your List ID can be found in the success response when you Create a New List, or using the Retrieve All Lists Data endpoint.
Query Parameters
Sample Request
PUT /rest/v1/my/list/6058ae623886e50008bd0833/update
"description":"new description",
"listName": "new listname",
"sharing": "private"
Note: sharing can be either private or public.
Sample Response

Use this endpoint to get the metadata for all of the lists associated with your account.
You can view metadata about all of your lists (e.g., name, time zone, etc.) and “version control” details (e.g., date it was created, who most recently modified it).
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
page: default 1
The number of pages your query will return. Max value is 100.
pageSize: default 10
The number of records included on each page of results your query will return. If your query is too large (e.g., one thousand elements are identified), an empty list will be returned.
Note: Only the first 10 records on your list will be returned per the default values above.
Sample Request
GET /rest/v1/my/list/all?page=1&pageSize=10
Sample Response
"data": {
"lists": [
"customerId": "1140843",
"listName": "we need a long list name to check what is happen",
"description": "description ti",
"sharing": "public",
"deleteFlag": false,
"modifiedDate": "2021-04-09T21:42:02.088Z",
"modifiedBy": "",
"createdDate": "2021-03-22T14:44:53.000Z",
"createdBy": "",
"listId": "6058ae623886e50008bd0833",
"headerInfo": [
"customerId": "1140843",
"listName": "Demo List",
"description": null,
"sharing": "private",
"deleteFlag": false,
"modifiedDate": "2021-03-30T14:52:42.635Z",
"modifiedBy": "e0742432b78d1166",
"createdDate": "2021-03-23T15:49:04.000Z",
"createdBy": "e0742432b78d1166",
"listId": "605a0f97f9faca0009563e2e",
"headerInfo": [
"pageSize": 10,
"hasMore": true
"error": null