July 25, 2021

List Management APIs now include lists and element data for Engage campaigns. Previously, only lists used with SmartFlows were included.
A new endpoint is now available to verify if a list is associated with one or more active campaigns: GET /_rest/v2/lists/:listId/status

Lists used with Engage campaigns can now be managed through the Lists menu option at the top of the CPaaS Portal. Previously, only lists used with SmartFlows were included. On the List Management page you can:
Add a new list
Update an existing list by adding or deleting list elements (i.e., recipients)
Delete a list

The following updates were made to list functionality within Engage:
The Lists page is now aligned with the List Management application. If you add a new list via the Lists page it will appear in the List Management table and vice versa.
When you assign a list to a campaign, lists created in both the List Management and Lists page appear in the drop-down list and can be used with your campaign.
The options to select a method of contact and split contacts by timezone no longer appear when you create a new list via the Lists page. Instead, you can choose these options on the Campaigns page after you select an available list.
You can add or remove a list from an active campaign (i.e., a running or scheduled campaign).
You cannot edit the Method of Contact field or Split Contacts by Timezone check box for an active campaign.
A list assigned to an active campaign cannot be deleted. You must deactivate the campaign, or remove and assign a different list to the campaign, before it can be deleted.
If a list associated with a draft campaign is deleted, the List Name and Method of Contact are removed from the Campaigns form. Previously, an error caused the former Method of Contact to remain selected.
If a new list is selected for a campaign in draft status, the List Name and Method of Contact appear as selected when the campaign is reopened later. Previously, an error caused the List Name and Method of Contact to appear as blank fields.