August 26, 2021

The List Management Delete Multiple Elements endpoint (DELETE/rest/v1/my/list/{listId}/elements) was updated to allow bulk deletion based on a specific date range. You can use findConditions to delete elements created within a specific date range (createdDate) or modified within a specific date range (modifiedDate).
Note: startDate, endDate, and timezoneOffsetHours are required within the body of your request.

Administrator and User roles are now available.
Administrators can manage other users within their company (i.e., edit user’s basic information, reset passwords, disable/enable access, and invite new users) and add new numbers on the My Numbers page.
Note: Existing users who initially created the company will automatically be assigned the Administrator role. Multiple Administrators can exist within a company.
Users can only view other users within their company and invite new ones.
You can now view existing users from your company and invite new ones to join. Select the drop-down menu in the top-right corner of the page and My Companies. Click the icon in the Members column.
All existing users are lists in the table.
The company Administrators will see Edit, Reset Password, and Disable buttons in the Manage column for all other users under the company.
The Go to settings button is displayed in the Manage column for the company Administrators to update their basic information.
Click Invite a User to send a welcome email to new users.
Note: You can only invite new users within the same email domain.
The following enhancements were made to List Management list modification page:
Use the Select Action drop-down menu to add a new field, append, or add new records to your list. This menu replaces the previous buttons for each of these list modification actions.
Choose Delete All Records from the Select Action drop-down menu to archive all records in a list.
If your list includes many headers, you’ll now see a scroll bar at the top of the table to ensure all columns can be viewed. Previously, the scroll bar only appeared at the bottom of the table.
If you’re inactive and your working session expires, you’ll now be redirected back to the portal log in page. Previously, a “not authorized” page appeared if you tried to access a feature after your session expired.

The Insights user interface features have changed to help you streamline your business procedures. For details on these changes, which include filtering and refreshing data, and setting up schedules and alerts, check out the Insights platform documentation, under How Tos.
We've updated our requirements for running Insights queries. The maximum number of concurrent running queries per customer is two (2). The maximum amount of data each query can retrieve is approximately one (1) TB. If you exceed either of these limits, you receive an error. Check out the Insights Overview page for details.