Manage Payments
Allow customers to manage account payments without speaking with an agent using SmartFlows. Account information is available to customers in real time through integration between SmartFlows and any CRM or third-party system. Customers can choose to obtain their account balance, schedule payments for a later date, or immediately make a payment.
- Improved customer experience.
- Improved security.
- Customer can self-service at any time.
- Reduced costs.
- Agent is not required to complete the transaction.
- Agent does not need to handle account payment details.
How it Works
- Customer enters their account information and is validated
- Customer selects Make Payment from menu options
- SmartFlows does a lookup into third-party system to determine account data
- SmartFlows returns payment amount to customer
- Customer enters payment details or schedules for another date
- Payment is submitted
Need some help getting started?
For more information about our payment capabilities check out the links below: