API Data Dictionary
[URL: https://api.intelepeer.com/_rest/v4/dwh/Q
You can use these fields when designing custom queries to retrieve call, message, and application data.
Click the table name to view the associated fields.
Note: Common fields are selectable in all event schemas.

Field Name | Data Type | Examples | Notes |
EventName | STRING | MsgEvent; CallEvent; ApplicationExitEvent; DtmfEvent | The type of event represented by this record. |
EventVersion | INTEGER | 1 | An integer used for data format versioning. |
TimeStamp | TIMESTAMP | YYYY-DD-MM HH:MM:SS UTC | A timestamp field common to all EventTypes. |
CustomerId | STRING | 10001234 | Customer Identifier assigned by IntelePeer. |
FlowId | STRING | 5e8367f36426c01425fbd1f5 | The unique identifier of the SmartFlow associated with a record. |
FlowName | STRING | My Cool Smartflow | The name of the SmartFlow associated with a record. |
ActionId | STRING | END_CALL; TRANSFER_2 | The type of the ActionID in the associated SmartFlow that generated this record. |
ActionName | STRING | EndCall; Transfer; SMS; Dial | The name of the ActionId in the associated SmartFlow that generated this record. |
IsTriggerAction | BOOLEAN | TRUE/FALSE | When TRUE, represents the triggering of a new SmartFlow instance (Session). |
SessionId | STRING | 1586552213-1022008-SR-000-0000000000000-031F68BD | A field containing a unique ID that can be used to correlate all events that occurred during a given SmartFlow session. |
TransactionId | STRING | CP1-1586552223-0011L00002Z0ZUN-0004FB32C | A Unique ID for the specific execution of the application record. |
ApplicationRegion | STRING | UNK; US:US; US:US-CA; ES:EU |
What CPaaS Region the SmartFlow was executed in:
EventSku | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
HostId | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
CustomerName | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
Originator | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
OriginatorId | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
PassthroughVersion | INTEGER | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
Passthrough | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |

Field Name | Data Type | Examples | Notes |
IsOutboundFromCust | BOOLEAN | TRUE/FALSE | Indicates whether this call is being placed (TRUE) by the customer or received (FALSE) by the customer |
CallingNumber | STRING | +13031234567 | Number placing this call in E.164 format |
CalledNumber | STRING | +13031234567 | Number receiving the call in E.164 format |
CallOfferTime | TIMESTAMP | YYYY-DD-MM HH:MM:SS UTC | Time when call is offered to the network |
CallAnswerTime | TIMESTAMP | YYYY-DD-MM HH:MM:SS UTC | Time when call is answered |
CallEndTime | TIMESTAMP | YYYY-DD-MM HH:MM:SS UTC | Time when call is ended |
CallDuration | INTEGER | 94 | The duration of the call in seconds |
CallAnswerIndicator | STRING | ANSWER; ATTEMPT | Indicates that the call was answered when it has the value ANSWER or that there was no answer when the value is ATTEMPT. |
CallVoiceMailDetected | BOOLEAN | TRUE/FALSE | Indicates the SmartFlow detected a voicemail system on the remote end when the value is TRUE, otherwise the value is FALSE |
CallDisconnectReason | STRING |
Indicates the reason a call ended regardless of whether it was answered or not:
CallDisconnectInitator | INTEGER | 0; 1 | Indicates a call was disconnected because the SmartFlow reached a 'Hang Up' ActionId when the value is 0, or for any other reason when the value is 1 |
CallingNumberCountry | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
CallingNumberState | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
CallingNumberCity | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
CallingNumberRegion | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
CalledNumberCountry | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
CalledNumberState | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
CalledNumberRegion | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |

Field Name | Data Type | Examples | Notes |
RequestTime | TIMESTAMP | 2021-02-05 01:25:03 UTC | When request was sent to IntelePeer |
IsOutboundFromCust | BOOLEAN | true; false |
When TRUE, the IntelePeer customer is sending the message When FALSE, the IntelePeer customer is receiving the message |
Channel | STRING | SMS, MMS, TWTR, WAPP, FB | Includes SMS, MMS, Twitter (TWTR), Whatsapp (WAPP), and Facebook (FB) |
ChannelRecordType | STRING | final, request, intermediary, dlr |
SMS: request, intermediary, final, dlr Other: final |
ChannelResourceType | STRING | lc, tf, sc, an, null |
SMS (lc,tf,sc,an) lc = long code tf = toll-free sc = short code an = alphanumeric null = other |
ChannelStatus | STRING |
SMS statuses; for details, check out the Delivery Receipt Message States section |
ChannelStatusCode | STRING |
Codes are associated with the following SMS statuses: DELIVRD -- 210000 EXPIRED -- 300000 DELETED -- 400000 UNDELIV -- 510000 ACCEPTD -- 610000 UNKNOWN -- 710000 REJECTD -- 810000 |
SourceId | STRING | 1-27221, +13031234567, 104822724348630, d68af5e7685089098242db10 |
Channel = SMS Inbound (IsOutboundFromCust = FALSE) = E.164 format Outbound (IsOutboundFromCust = TRUE) = Customer Code in E.164 or hyphened Short Code Channel = WAPP Inbound = Authorization ID Outbound = E.164 Number Channel = FB Inbound = Facebook Page ID Outbound = Facebook PSID, ID of conversion between Page and User |
SourceCountry | STRING | N/A |
Returns an empty string for all events |
SourceState | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
SourceCity | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
SourceRegion | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
DestinationId | STRING | 1-27221; +13031234567; 104822724348630; d68af5e7685089098242db10 |
Depends on direction of Message (IsOutboundFromCust) and Channel.
DestinationCountry | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
DestinationState | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
DestinationCity | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
DestinationRegion | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
MessageSize | INTEGER | 326 | This field indicates the number of Characters in the message, independent of encoding. |
MessageEncoding | STRING | Only applicable for SMS and is the value used for SMPP encoding | |
MessageFragmentCount | INTEGER |
SMS = # of fragments Number of msgs sent based on characters, independent of encoding All others = 1 |
AttachmentSize | INTEGER | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
AttachmentContentType | STRING | image (for WhatsApp); image, audio, video (for Facebook) |
Note: Attachments are not supported for SMS or Twitter For more information, check out this definition of Content Type |
AttachmentReference | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
DlrRequested | BOOLEAN | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
DlrReferenceId | STRING | N/A |
Returns an empty string for all events Set to the transactionID of the request SMS = When DLR is requested, this will be populated with SMS correlation ID; this should be the transactionID of the corresponding originating message |
CustomerReferenceId | STRING | bGmPxmTgRtWcozKdQxbg; 387893 | SMS = GUID via SMS API GUID; via SmartFlows GUID field |
SourceUri | STRING | SMPP:MYNAME; | For outbound set to API or CPaaS; for inbound set to channel |
DestinationUri | STRING | https://api.intelepeer.com/_rest/v4/app/sms/ping/public; SMPP.MYNAME | For outbound set to channel; for inbound set to CPaaS or customer webhook |
CarrierId | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
CarrierName | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
CarrierCampaignType | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
CarrierCampaignId | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
CarrierCampaignBrand | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |

Field Name | Data Type | Examples | Notes |
IsOutboundFromCust | BOOLEAN | TRUE/FALSE |
When TRUE, the IntelePeer customer is sending the message When FALSE, the IntelePeer customer is receiving the message |
Channel | STRING | SMS; WAPP; FB |
Indicates which type of Message was sent.
SendingId | STRING | 1-27221; +13031234567; 104822724348630; d68af5e7685089098242db10 |
Depends on direction of Message (IsOutboundFromCust) and Channel.
NetworkFragments | INTEGER | 3 | Contains the number of fragments the message was broken into and is only populated when the message is an SMS message |
RawMessageSize | INTEGER | 326 | Indicates the number of Characters in the message, independent of encoding |
SentId | STRING | 1-27221; +13031234567; 104822724348630; d68af5e7685089098242db10 |
Depends on direction of Message (IsOutboundFromCust) and Channel.
SentCountry | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
SentState | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
SentCity | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
SentRegion | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
FileReferenceType | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
FileReference | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
SendingCountry | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
SendingState | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
SendingCity | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
SendingRegion | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |

Field Name | Data Tyoe | Examples | Notes |
StartTime | TIMESTAMP | YYYY-DD-MM HH:MM:SS UTC | Indicates when the SmartFlow began execution |
EndTime | TIMESTAMP | YYYY-DD-MM HH:MM:SS UTC | Indicates when the SmartFlow ended execution |
Path | STRING | ICALL_1;EXTCALL_30;COND_37;END_CALL; | Indicates the ActionId(s) executed in the Smartflow separated by semi-colons |
ExitReason | STRING | END_CALL | Shows which SmartFlow ActionId ended the flow and is set to TrxLoop when a loop is detected and broken |

Field Name | Data Type | Examples | Notes |
DtmfInput | INTEGER | 3261957; -1 | Contains the input digits concatenated together as a numerical value or -1 representing an invalid input. |
DtmfSource | STRING | keypad | Indicates how the DTMF input was captured. |
ErrorReason | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |

Field Name | Data Type | Examples | Notes |
IsOutboundFromCust | BOOLEAN | TRUE/FALSE | Indicates that the SmartFlow was triggered by an API call when it is set to TRUE |

Field Name | Data Type | Examples | Notes |
Channel | STRING | DTMF; PRESSORSAY; MENUTREE | Represents the Call Input action associated in the SmartFlow |
DataRedacted | BOOLEAN | TRUE/FALSE | When TRUE, "Store data in Atmosphere Insights Data Records" is enabled in the DTMF, MENUTREE, OR PRESSORSAY action in SmartFlows |
DataResult | STRING | (0-9)[A-z] |
Returns the result of the DTMF, MENUTREE, or PRESSORSAY result as 0-9 If the PRESSORSAY action has NLP enabled, the field shows the verbal result, for example 'Alaska'; this must be enabled within the SmartFlow to populate data |
NlpEnabled | BOOLEAN | TRUE/FALSE | When TRUE, represents NLP is enabled for the DTMF, PRESSORSAY, or MENUTREE action |
NlpChannel | STRING | NULL/SPEECHREC | A field representing which NlpChannel is used, if NLP is not enabled, this appears as an empty string |
NlpEventTransactionId | STRING | CP1-1592439681-1025712-0008ED266 | A field containing a unique ID to the NLP transaction provided NLP is enabled, if not enabled this appears as an empty string |
StatusCode | INTEGER | 0 | Returns 0 for all events |
ChannelDataSource | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
StatusMessage | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
For more information about DTMF, MENUTREE, and PRESSORSAY actions, please see the SmartFlows documentation here.

Field Name | Data Type | Examples | Notes |
EventDurationMs | INTEGER | 115 | The time, in milliseconds, the NLP event took to complete for customer interaction and processing |
ProviderId | STRING | IBM; AWS; Google | The third-party selected for NLP processing within SmartFlows |
ProviderChannel | STRING | SENTIMENT; SPEECHREC; TONALITY; TRANSLATE; DETECT-LANGUAGE; TEXT-TO-SPEECH | Action providing the NLP event within SmartFlows |
ResponseRedacted | BOOLEAN | TRUE/FALSE | When TRUE, "Store data in Atmosphere Insights Data Records" is enabled for the NLP action in SmartFlows |
ResponseData | STRING | Sadness; Joy; Fear; NEUTRAL; MIXED; Etc. | Response data of mood for SENTIMENT & TONALITY actions; these vary in meaning by NLP vendor selected, visit the SmartFlows documentation for more information |
ResponseScore | INTEGER | (0-infinity) | Response score of SENTIMENT & TONALITY actions; these vary in meaning by NLP vendor selected, visit the SmartFlows documentation for more information |
ResponseSize | INTEGER | 0 | Returns 0 for all events |
StatusCode | INTEGER | 0 | Returns 0 for all events |
ResponseTimeMs | INTEGER | 0 | Returns 0 for all events |
ResponseLanguage | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
ProviderEngine | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
InputDataSource | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
InputLanguage | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
ResponseSizeUnit | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
StatusMessage | STRING | N/A | Returns an empty string for all events |
For more information about using NLP with SmartFlows, please see the SmartFlows documentation here.

Field Name | Data Type | Examples | Notes |
RecordType | STRING | 1; 2 |
Denotes complete and incomplete calls. When 1, the call was Completed; when 2, the call was Incomplete |
PackageName | STRING | My Package - Dallas | Name of the package assigned in the Portal; check out the CPaaS Portal documentation for more information |
NumberLabel | STRING | My Number - Sales | Name of the number assigned in the Portal; check out the CPaaS Portal documentation for more information. |
OriginatingIP | STRING | | The IP that the call came from, Customer or Vendor; this is not the endpoint. |
CustomerTrunkGroup | STRING | My Trunk - Redundant | Name of the Trunk Group assigned in the Portal; check out the CPaaS Portal documentation for more information. |
CallStartDateTime | TIMESTAMP | YYYY-DD-MM HH:MM:SS UTC | Timestamp in UTC of when the call started |
CallEndDateTime | TIMESTAMP | YYYY-DD-MM HH:MM:SS UTC | Timestamp in UTC of when the call ended |
CallDuration | NUMERIC | 122.559 | Duration of the call in seconds |
DisconnectReasonCode | STRING | 17; 600; 486 | Code corresponding to the reason the call may have disconnected; check out Disconnect Reason Codes for more details |
DisconnectedBy | INTEGER | 1; 2 |
Who disconnected the call. When 1, the Calling Party disconnected the call When 2, the Called Party disconnected the call If not equal to 1; 2 the call was disconnected for another reason |
PostDialDelay | NUMERIC | 0.148 | How long it takes for the calling party to hear a ringback after initiating the call. |
Codec | STRING | TAQ-G722, SON-6 | Codec used during the call |
OriginatingCountryCode | STRING | 1 | Country code where the call originated from |
OriginatingPhoneNumber | STRING | 2026981111 | Phone number originating the call |
OriginatingState | STRING | DC | State relating to the Originating Phone Number based on the Local Exchange Routing Guide |
OriginatingSwitch | STRING | WASHDCLCDS0 | Switch relating to the Originating Phone Number based on the Local Exchange Routing Guide |
OriginatingOCN | STRING | 9211 | Operating Company Number (OCN) of the originating carrier relating to the Originating Phone Number based on the Local Exchange Routing Guide |
OriginatingCity | STRING | WASHINGTON | City relating to the Originating Phone Number based on the Local Exchange Routing Guide |
OriginatingLata | STRING | 236 | Local Access & Transport Area (LATA) relating to the Originating Phone Number based on the Local Exchange Routing Guide |
TerminatingPhoneNumber | STRING | 2052731111 | Final terminating number to where the call went |
TerminatingState | STRING | AL | State relating to the Terminating Phone Number based on the Local Exchange Routing Guide |
TerminatingSwitch | STRING | DTRTALXARS0 | Switch relating to the Terminating Phone Number based on the Local Exchange Routing Guide |
TerminatingOCN | STRING | 275F | Operating Company Number (OCN) of the terminating carrier relating to the Terminating Phone Number based on the Local Exchange Routing Guide |
TerminatingCity | STRING | DETRIOT | City relating to the Terminating Phone Number based on the Local Exchange Routing Guide |
TerminatingLata | STRING | 476 | Local Access & Transport Area (LATA) relating to the Terminating Phone Number based on the Local Exchange Routing Guide |
DialedCountryCode | STRING | 1 | Country code of the dialed phone number |
DialedNumber | STRING | 2052733457 | Phone number displayed if ported or translated DNIS; is equal to the TerminatingPhoneNumber otherwise |
Jurisdiction | STRING | NULL; 0; 1; 2 | Jurisdiction of the call for Taxing and Billing purposes |
ProductCode | STRING | DS; DD; TF; TS; L; NULL |
Denotes the type of call: