September 7, 2023

Previously, flows organized within folders were not appearing in the Custom campaign type drop-down list. This issue was resolved, and available flows with the Campaign trigger now appear as expected.

Send and receive multimedia messages via the mobile or desktop app.
You can send emojis, photos, PDFs, or gifs.
When you receive a multimedia message, click on the file to download it to the appropriate location on your device. Once the file is downloaded and initially opened, a preview of the file will appear in the SMS chat box.
Note: There is a known issue where a SmartCommunicator enabled telephone number cannot currently message another SmartCommunicator enabled number. This "on net" issue is expected to be resolved .
Send and receive URLs within your messages.
If a message includes a URL, it will be clickable and open in your default browser.
You can now delete SMS conversations and attachments.
To delete a conversation: From the Text Messages menu, hover over the tile corresponding to the conversation you want to delete and click the icon on the far right to view the Delete Conversation option.
To delete an attachment: Open the SMS conversation and hover over the attachment. Click the icon to view the Delete option.
Note: Deleting a conversation or attachment is permanent.
Within an SMS you can now create a line break and start a new line of text.
If you're using the desktop app, use your keyboard to create a new line (e.g., Shift + Enter).
If you're using the mobile app, click Enter to create a new line.
A default icon now appears for unsaved contacts. Previously, the first two digits of the phone number would appear in the Text Messages and Recent Calls list. When a contact is saved, the first and last initial of the contact appear in place of the default icon.
When you delete a contact, the associated name will no longer appear in the Text Messages list or at the top of the conversation when you open the SMS chat box. Only the ten-digit phone number will display.
An error causing contact synchronization issues between SmartCommunicator and Microsoft Outlook was resolved. Previously, multiple contacts could be assigned the same number, resulting in duplicate messages.
A pop-up message now appears if you have poor internet signal while using the app. Glitching and errors may impact your experience while using SmartCommunicator until your internet signal improves.

When you are building or updating a flow, the board now automatically re-sizes as actions near the edge of the board, giving you more space to build out your flow.
This functionality is turned on by default. Click the Expand icon at the top of the board to turn off the auto-resize feature.
The Press or Say action has a new look. When you drag and drop this action onto the board, the default Name is now "Press or Say" (previously labeled "DTMFv2") and there is a new icon to the left of the Name.
Note: All functionality and Inputs remain the same. The action Name and icon will not be updated for existing or legacy flows. This change only applies for new flows. The Action ID field associated with Press or Say actions will also not be updated (i.e., this field retains the previous label plus ID number (e.g., "DTMFv2_2")).
Previously, flows organized within folders were not appearing in the Select Flow to Jump To pop-up window. This issue was resolved, and available flows with the Jump From action now appear as expected.