September 21, 2023

New features for SmartProduct users: SmartAgent subscriptions. Subscriptions are priced by tiers (for example, Silver, Gold, and Platinum) based on the SmartFlows actions used with deployed, concurrent flows.
Once you subscribe, a SmartAgent tile appears in the left sidebar of the Customer Portal. Clicking the tile allows you to create packages to perform actions similar to the functionality of other packages, for example, manage trunks, order telephone numbers, and add other number features.
Numbers added to SmartAgent packages are CPaaS-enabled by default. Numbers can be moved from a other packages into a SmartAgent package.
For details, contact your IntelePeer Account Manager.

New features for SmartProduct users:
On the Flows page:
There is a new SmartProduct package column in the flows table.
You can view your deployed SmartAgent and SmartEngage flows via the new status table. Click the blue text to collapse or expand the table.
Within the Flow Editor:
You can sort actions by different SmartProduct package types.
In the Actions Menu, click the Filter icon next to the search box and select the package type(s) you want to view. Any actions not included in the selected package types will appear grayed out.
The SmartProduct package type associated with your flow will appear at the top of the Configurations Panel.
The package type label dynamically updates as actions are drag and dropped (or removed) from your flow.
After you click the deploy button, the Confirm SmartAgent Deployment pop-up appears. You must click the Confirm button to proceed with deploying your flow.
After you deploy a flow, a new pop-up message appears confirming if your flow was deployed successfully or unsuccessfully.
Appearing at the top of the board, if your deployment was successful the message appears in green. If your flow contains errors and deployment was unsuccessful, the message appears in orange.
Click the X button to dismiss the deployment status message.
A Press or Say error causing some flows to incorrectly go down the failure path was resolved.
In some cases, when phone numbers were provided the flow went down the On Failure path unexpectedly. This error was resolved; however, existing flows may need to be redeployed to fix the issue.
Previously, an issue caused actions to move unexpectedly on the board when the zoom buttons were used. This issue was resolved, and actions now behave and move as expected.