August 8, 2024

A new Bulk Actions tool has been created to avoid earlier issues especially when upload a large amount of numbers to your packages:
- The tool can be found by clicking Home > Inventory > US Domestic Numbers > Download Template.
- In the drag-and-drop section at the top of the page, click Download Template to create a .csv file for your upload. From the Select Template Operations popup, you can choose to customize the template to include single actions (which disables the other choices) or include multiple operations for the numbers (for example, CNAM Registration, Caller ID, and E911 service.
- Once you confirm your choices, you can download the template and add your number information.
Each line in the updated template (telephone number with data) is stored in a table to keep track of the order status. Each line is processed one by one and you can view which line orders are complete and which ones have errors. Orders that have not errored are added to an order batch of up to 250 numbers. For orders that have errored, you can view the reason as to why the numbers errored and can upload those numbers again.

The following enhancements were made to the Shared Inbox tab:
When you navigate to the Shared Inbox tab for the first time (or after refreshing the app), all conversations are collapsed under each inbox tile by default.
Click on an inbox tile to view the conversations under that group.
"Conversation with" followed by the customer's phone number now appears at the top of the chat box when you open a Shared Inbox interaction.
For example, "Conversation with (123)456-7890".
If you hover over this heading, all members of the group inbox are listed.
The conversation preview on the left of the Shared Inbox tab now displays a label indicating who most recently sent a message.
The group member name (e.g., "John Doe") or "Customer" displays in the preview.
The "Conversation ID" is now captured behind the scenes. Each one-on-one conversation within the app generates a unique "Conversation ID", which can later be captured and used for analytic purposes.
If you begin typing a message in the Messages or Shared Inbox tab and navigate away from the conversation, when you navigate back your message persists and the "[Draft]" label appears in the conversation preview on the left.
When you switch between tabs on the app, you'll now be brought back to the last conversation you had open.
For example, if you had a conversation open on the Messages tab and then move to the Contacts tab, when you navigate back to the Messages tab later, the same conversation you previously opened will appear.
You'll automatically be brought to the Messages tab and all app notifications will be retained when you navigate away from and back to the app, or refresh the app.
After you fill in new contact details via the Add Contact pop-up, you can now press the enter key to complete saving the new contact.
Previously, after pressing the enter key, the Add Contact pop-up would close, but the contact was not successfully saved.