May 11, 2023

SmartCommunicator has a new look and feel.
Text Message notifications now appear next to each individual conversation (as opposed to totaled at the top of the menu).
After you click the send icon, a check mark will appear next to your SMS indicating the message successfully left the IntelePeer network.
The sender's name and a time stamp appear at the top of each message.
If your contact is saved, their initials will appear in the icon next to their chat or call log.
Note: If the contact details aren't saved, a default profile icon will appear instead.
You can now initiate a call from an open text conversation via the blue phone icon at the top of the chat.
The "SMS" menu option is ow "Messages", and the "Call" menu option is now "Calls".
The general style of the app was updated to more closely match Microsoft Teams.
A new Contacts menu is available.
Here you can easily find and manage all of your contacts. Add, edit, delete, search, or scroll through your SmartCommunicator contacts.
Your Microsoft Outlook contacts are also automatically synched with SmartCommunicator. If you create a new contact in SmartCommunicator, it will appear in your Outlook contacts and vice versa.
SmartCommunicator notifications will now appear in the Microsoft Teams Activity feed.
Right from the feed you can view your alerts and take necessary action.
You can now access SmartCommunicator via the Microsoft Teams app on iOS and Android devices.
Whether you are setting up SmartCommunicator for the first time or adding new users to your account, the onboarding process has been streamlined.
You can now set up numbers for use with SmartCommunicator via the Customer Portal.
When a user accesses the app for the first time, they will be prompted to enter the phone number associated with their MS Teams account, perform two step verification, and their account information is systematically captured in the SmartCommunicator database and associated with the phone number.
Open Defects - The following are known SmartCommunicator defects:
General defects:
A session timeout screen appears at times. With various devices in play, we have seen this issue occasionally and are investigating.
SmartCommunicator glitches when internet signal is low. This requires a graceful message in place to inform the user to connect to a better WiFi or mobile network.
The avatar for unsaved Contacts should display a human icon but is not doing so currently.
When saving a contact, an in line error message to inform the user to save an email address in the correct format does not currently exist.
On Android (Samsung Galaxy S22, Version 13), saving a contact from the Calls dial pad does not retain the phone number the user entered. The user must then reenter the telephone number.
Upon re-size of the MS Teams desktop app, the conversations list on the Messages page disappears causing user confusion. However, upon expanding the app again, the list reappears.
Messaging defects:
SmartCommunicator does not allow a new line to be created within a message.
Emojis and special characters are not supported in text messages.
Spanish characters are not supported in text messages.
Contact names appear in the list on the Messages page even if the contact has been deleted. Upon refreshing the page, the behavior is corrected.
When a conversation is open, at times the Contact name appears in the list on the left of the Messages page but not on the right side of the page. Logging out and logging back in fixes the issue.
Outlook defects:
For an existing Contact, if the telephone number is updated in Outlook, the number is not updated in SmartCommunicator. The other Contact fields are updated as expected.
If a Contact number is saved in Outlook without +1 appended to the beginning, the number saves to the SmartCommunicator database but is not treated as a telephone number. Normalization of telephone numbers from external sources is in progress.
If a message is sent to a telephone number that is not saved as a contact, the telephone number is still saved to Outlook.
Activity Feed defect: Notifications when using the desktop app sometimes appear in mobile resolution. This issue is not occurring consistently.
Calls tab defects:
The Recent Calls list does not display the Contact name, only the telephone number.
The Recent Calls list does not display in chronological order.
The Recent Calls list does not display inbound calls.
Telephone numbers appear in the Recent Calls list prior to a call being made.

The Send DTMF action is now available.
Use this action to include a known DTMF value (e.g., extension number for a specific department) and automatically move to the next step in your flow.
A new check box was added to the String Operations action to confirm if your Input contains commas.
Click the check box to ensure commas aren't misinterpreted as a delimiter and avoid an operations error.
The following updates were made to the Flows page:
When you select the plus sign button and then click somewhere else on the page, the drop-down list now disappears as expected.
If you select multiple folders and click the Bulk Actions button, Copy Flows no longer appears in the drop-down list.
When you select and then deselect multiple flows, the page will reset as expected. Previously the Bulk Actions button would remain on the screen, or you couldn't select the plus sign button without reloading the page.
The error message that appears when creating a new folder was updated to include character limit details (i.e., folder names cannot exceed 17 characters).
A bug which caused undeployed flows to appear in the Flows table even when the Show Only Deployed toggle is selected was resolved.
A loading issue which prevented all flows from appearing in the Flows table was resolved. For accounts with a large number of flows (around 45 or more pages of flows), this issue caused the last page of the table to be blank.
Audio files currently used in a flow can no longer be renamed via the Audio Library page.
Audio Library files that aren't in use can be renamed as needed.
The History section of the Configurations Panel was updated to ensure that once you surpass 15 iterations, the oldest non-deployed version will be deleted. Previously, the oldest entry would disappear, even if it was the deployed version.
When creating a brand-new flow, the Deploy button at the top of the Configurations Panel was relabeled Save and Deploy.
Variables now move from flows connected with the Jump To and Jump From actions as expected. Previously, some Available Variables and Send Variables values weren't passed to the second flow correctly.