March 28, 2024

In situations when a SmartFlow attempts to dial out to a customer and encounters a fax machine rather than a voicemail, the system now recognizes a fax response and ends the call. We can detect the primary types of fax machines (T-30 and T-38) over telephone and internet connections. Application Detail Records (ADRs) reflect the fact that a fax number was encountered. For a transfer, the flow follows the Voice Mail (VM) pin.
To assist you in reconciling your bills based on Call Detail Records (CDRs) associated with your accounts, Voice ADRs now provide data when a call session times out. In addition, when there is a session timeout, an exit ADR is created.
Issues associated with External Web Calls involving End Calls--when calls don't cleanly hang up, leaving callers experiencing silence on the line--have been resolved.

Use Microsoft Azure voices in your Text-to-Speech messages.
When configuring audio at the flow level or the action level, "Microsoft" will now appear in the Vendor drop-down list in the Audio Text (TTS) section of the Audio Settings pop-up.
After you select "Microsoft" as your Vendor, you can then view the available options in the Voice drop-down list.
Voices are available for US English, UK English, US Spanish, Spain Spanish, and France French.
At the top of the Voice drop-down list we have listed some recommended voices that we suggest using with your flow, but you can scroll down to view all available Microsoft Azure voices.