January 9, 2025

You can now label a conversation or message as unread.
Click the three vertical dots on a conversation tile or on the right side of a message and select "Mark as Unread". Notification bubbles will appear on the tab and conversation thread, and a red "unread" label appears next to an individual message.
You can click the three vertical dots icon for a previously marked as unread conversation or message and select "Mark as Read" or navigate away from the conversation and open it back up again, to remove the notification bubbles and "unread" label.
The following updates were made to the Shared Inbox tab:
When creating a new inbox, Admins will see a drop-down list of telephone numbers available to assign to the new Shared Inbox.
You can search or scroll through the available options to find the appropriate number.
Start a new conversation thread via the new message icon.
Just type in the customer number and you and your team can start chatting.
Notifications now appear immediately, as expected, for all members of the inbox. Previously, the app would have to be manually refreshed for notifications to appear (e.g., if a manager sent a message, the employee would have to refresh SmartCommunicator to see the red notification bubble and the sent message).