January 25, 2019

Dynamic Lists:
When users upload a list, they will now be prompted to either use the first detected row of data as headers or to assign new headers to the data set. This will make the upload process more tolerant of the various ways in which a user might choose to upload the list and thereby reduce friction in the experience.
UI Improvements:
A number of visual changes have been made to implement a more modern look and feel and stronger consistency with the IntelePeer brand.

UI Improvements:
We’ve gotten a lot of questions about what works in SmartFlows and what don’t. We think it’s still valuable for everyone to see all the actions that they can soon expect to be able to use, even if they’re not ready – but to lower the friction for everybody, we’re disabling (i.e., greying out but not removing from the view) any actions that aren’t working (like inbound Email trigger, bridge, record response, and others). Now teams will be armed with better information about what’s live vs. not done cooking and users won’t be able to put nonworking actions in their flows, reducing friction for everybody.
A number of visual changes have been made to implement a more modern look and feel and stronger consistency with the IntelePeer brand.
Validations, red asterisks denoting required fields, and tool tips have been put in place in many areas to help guide the user through the app experience.
Spanish language support has now been deployed in SmartFlows. A Spanish-language interface can now be accessed from the dropdown menu in the top right corner.
Actions (previously known as “verbs”):
GET Support Added to External Web Call – We have made enhancements to the external web call action that add the capability to retrieve information from other systems in the course of a flow, known as a GET request. This functionality will allow the user to program their flow to reach into another system, look up some pertinent information (such as an upcoming appointment based on an incoming phone number), and store it as a variable to be used later in the flow. Documentation for this functionality will be added to the user guide soon.
Fix to Variable Replacement – Fixed an issue wherein variable replacement was not functioning as expected and affected various situations where variables were being read literally rather than substituted for the appropriate value (for example, when attempting to read a substituted value in text-to-speech, as in the case of playing an audio message like the following: “It sounds like you entered <>. Is that correct?”).
Text-to-Speech – Enhanced the text-to-speech functionality throughout the application, allowing users to edit their entered text inline without having to delete and start over.
Voice Selection now functions as expected, allowing the user to select a voice to be used in the flow.
REGEX – The REGEX action now supports extraction capability.
DTMF – The DTMF action now supports voice input.
Number Assignment:
Short Codes – A bug was fixed that prevented users from assigning a flow to a short code. Previously, the system expected a 10-digit number, leading to unsuccessful assignments. This release fixes the issue so short codes can now be used for inbound SMS flows.
In addition, the flow assignment modal that appears when assigning flows to any short code restricts the table to inbound SMS only. This will prevent the user from attempting to assign a voice flow to a text-only number and simplify the assignment experience by showing only the information most relevant to the user.
Other Minor Fixes:
Fixed a bug where Menu Tree loses audio and navigability when the timer is tripped.
Fixed a bug where Speech Recognition returned a ‘missing fileidentifier’ error.
Fixed a problem where connectors could not be deleted due to multiple connectors overlaying.
Fixed a bug where clicking the ‘Info’ or ‘Settings’ tabs in the config panel would redirect to the Flows page without saving.
Improved the stability of the Switch action; also added a default path to catch situations in which no conditions match SMS now has only two ports, matching the number of paths that can be taken after an SMS send.