December 5, 2018

Dynamic Lists:
Users now have the ability to upload a list with a custom combination of columns; these can then be configured as inputs in a SmartFlow to create personalized voice and SMS messages.
Note: To support sales conversations currently, SmartFlows and Engage are both required to support customized outbound messaging (e.g., sending each contact a message with their own account balance, appointment date, etc.); for customers needing to communicate broad messages to their audiences (i.e., company wide announcements), Engage can be used alone.

Actions (previously known as “verbs”):
REGEX action, which allows users to search strings for specific patterns (such as email addresses, credit card numbers, et al) using regular expressions, is now functional.
REGEX action uses the PCRE library of Regex.
A good resource for those wanting to play with regular expressions:
Enhancements to the performance of the speech recognition action.
Fixed an issue where Play Audio action was not functioning properly after an SMS action.
Number Assignment:
Number assignment screen will now populate with toll free numbers and short codes if they are present in the customer’s inventory.