The Application menu has changed to a horizontal menu at the top of the screen. You can now switch between applications more easily for a more unified experience.
Vertical menus within each application are now page names (formerly icons) and are collapsible, so applications can consume more of the screen.
The CallInputEvent and NlpEvent schemas are now available.
To get a list of available schema fields you now need a token for Bearer Authorization. Previously, the list could be retrieved without obtaining a token.
The left-side menu now displays page names rather than icons for individual Engage pages.
Campaigns enhancements:
New users will see a "Welcom to Atomsphere Engage" pop-up message the first time they create a new campaign.
The steps to build a new campaign are now more user friendly. Updated field names, field order, and some automatically populated fields based on previous selections provide a streamlined process all on one page.
You can now edit the campaign content of previously created SmartFlows directly within Engage. Select the SmartFlow through the Custom campaign option, then edit the message directly in the "What do you want your campaign to say?" field.
List variables can be added to campaign messages.
You can now add contacts to an empty List.
An outbound SMS opt-out flow is now available for companies engaged in our Small Business Recovery Program.
New SmartFlows Messaging dashboard: This dashboard displays SmartFlows data related to SMS messaging. Available to Enterprise and Processional customers.
New Voice Services Call report: This report is an aggregate view of Toll Free, Termination, and DID metrics. Available to Enterprise and Processional customers.
Voice Services dashboard updates:
Several widgets were renamed to enhance usability and experience.
Total Minutes of Use is now Total Call Duration
Calls, Minutes & Average Length of Call by Day is now Calls, Call Duration & Average Call Duration by Day
Calls, Minutes & Average Length of Call by Weekday is now Calls, Call Duration, & Average Call Duration by Weekday
Minutes by Call Type is now Call Duration by Type
Several widget data elements were renamed to enhance usability and experience.
Cdrrefid is now Call Reference Id
Cdrrefid Count is now Call Count
MOU is now Call Duration
Total Call Minutes is now Total Call Duration
ASR is now Answer Ratio
Test Call Starts is now Call Start
The Message Processing Errors by Day widget on the Messaging dashboard now includes Total Rejected Messages (displayed as Total Rejected Msgs).
The size of all Insights dashboards are now larger and easier to view with the collapsible Insights menu.
The left-side menu now displays page names rather than icons for individual SmartFlows pages.
All new flow assignments (including Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp) can be done through SmartFlows rather than the Portal.
The Actions panel now has collapsing components for simpler action navigation. A search bar was also added to the Actions panel so you can search for individual actions.
The Allow Interrupt check box was added for Press or Say and Menu Tree actions. This enables callers to interrupt audio prompts at any time. You can also set the Sensitivity Level percentage to ensure ambient noise in louder environments does not accidentally trigger an interruption.
Default Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Text-to-Speech (TTS) flow settings were added to the configuration panel. Now you can select the vendor, input type, language, and voice of choice without having to reconfigure each action involving those components.
The flow history section added to the configuration panel allows you to go back and forth between previous saved versions of your flow.
A new beta action, LexBot, is a direct integration with Amazon's Alexa bot. Still being developed, this action is available to customers in Preview.
Tabs were added to the Number Assignments page for easier viewing.