Using the SMS / MMS API from the CPaaS Portal

Generate Authentication Token

To use any of the IntelePeer APIs, you will need to access the IntelePeer Authentication API to generate a token. This API requires your CPaaS Portal credentials (the username and password used to sign up for your account).

For more information on receiving your token, check out API Authentication.

Using the SMS APIs

To use the APIs, you must have an SMS/MMS-capable number associated with your CPaaS Portal account. If you are on a Starter account, you will need to use your Starter number or contact us to order a new SMS/MMS-enabled number, short code, or alphanumeric sender ID.

The API URLs and their corresponding documentation are below. Please note that while the documentation is the same, the API URL is different for users in the CPaaS Portal. Those URLs are referenced in the table below next to the corresponding API functionality. All API requests must contain the Authorization token that you retrieved using the Authenticate API above.

Functionality API URL
Send SMS/MMS POST /_rest/v4/app/sms/send
Receive SMS/MMS POST /_rest/v4/my/did/sms/webhook
Check Message Status GET /_rest/v4/app/sms/mdr

Note: You can check message status for SMS messages only.