SMS Encoding
IntelePeer supports two main types of encoding, which are dynamically switched based on the characters you enter in the message text:
A standard alphabet for SMS messages containing the most commonly used letters and symbols.
Seven (7) bits are used to send a single character with GSM-7 encoding. Since SMS messages are transmitted as 140 8-bit octets, a message encoded with GSM-7 can contain up to 160 characters: (140*8)/7 = 160.
If concatenated messages are used, a User Data Header of six (6) bytes is used so the receiving device can re-assemble the messages. This leaves 153 GSM-7 characters available per single SMS message segment.
An expanded alphabet for SMS messages containing additional characters and alphabets (for example, Korean, Chinese, and Arabic).
Sixteen (16) bits (2 bytes) are used to send a single character with UCS-2 encoding. Since SMS messages are transmitted as 140 8-bit octets, a message encoded with UCS-2 can contain up to 70 characters: (140*8)/(2*8) = 70.
If concatenated messages are used, a User Data Header of six (6) bytes is used so the receiving device can re-assemble the messages. This leaves 67 UCS-2 characters available per single SMS message segment.
With this simple tool, you can check the following:
Which encoding type will be used for your message
The number of characters in your message
How many segments your message will be split into
Here are some tips and tricks to keep your SMS short and keep cost down:
Make sure you use only the following GSM-7 characters instead of UCS-2 characters:
Use the old-fashioned : ) or ; ) instead of emojis, which are UCS-2 characters
Use abbreviations and try to shorten words (for example, 2gether vs together, or 4ever vs forever)