International Guidelines Overview
A2P Traffic Restrictions
IntelePeer is committed to helping you ensure compliance as part of the industry effort to reduce prohibited content. With that goal in mind, we are notifying you of a mandatory requirement regarding SMS (SMS-IP and MMS-IP) service delivery from the +1 country code to international operators.
International operators are defined here as outside of the US and Canada, including countries and territories of the Caribbean, for example, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Beginning on November 1, 2022, customers may see increased blocking on two-way long- and short-codes due to international regulatory changes with international receipt of messages identified as application-to-person (A2P).
For successful delivery, IntelePeer recommends customers use alpha-numeric sending IDs in a one-way fashion unless the use case has been specifically approved by a vendor and the IntelePeer Number Administration team.
For more information, check out CTIA Messaging Principles and Best Practices, Sections 4 and 5.