Messaging for Webex® Teams
Messaging for Webex Teams enables you to use Webex Teams to send and receive SMS messages over your Webex Teams phone numbers:
Call and text with your business phone number
Use the same messaging interface you use every day with Webex Teams
Unlimited texting to and from any US or Canadian mobile phone
Add an alias to your Webex SMS conversations to easily identify them

In Webex Teams, click the plus sign icon at the top of the window and select Contact a Person.
Search for (IntelePeer’s alias) and select it from the resulting drop-down list. Your IntelePeer SMS Room is created.
Within the room, type the token and phone number information below to associate your number with Webex Teams:
Use this format, replacing the placeholders with your token and phone number: associateme [specialtoken] [your phone in E.164 format]
Note: The token is provided by your Customer Success Team representative.
For example: associateme CuqdpJJi/r7dA5UB13j4UASbrLNozxQ+x2gOexUygi8 +11231231234
Click Enter.
The IntelePeer SMS Room automatically associates your number with Webex Teams and displays a success message. You’re ready to start texting!

If you receive an SMS message from a mobile phone you have not exchanged messages with in the past, a new space is created automatically and the message is displayed in the space. Spaces are named in the format of SMS Conversation with +[countrycode + phonenumber].
In order to send an SMS message to a mobile phone you have not exchanged messages with in the past, you need to tell IntelePeer to start a new conversation. You do this by typing startsms +[countrycode + phonenumber] in the IntelePeer space. For example, to start a conversation with (770) 555-1212, you would type startsms +17705551212.

Each SMS conversation (you + your recipient) occurs in its own space – just like when you send a message to a person in Webex Teams. You can have multiple SMS conversations with multiple recipients. Each recipient has their own space.
You can send and receive general text messages and emojis. MMS messages are not yet supported.
Just type your message and press Enter. The message is sent. If there as an issue getting the message to the mobile phone, you receive an error message in the Webex Teams window.

You can drag a file into Webex Teams and send it to mobile phones, similar to the way you send files to Webex Teams users. Mobile phone recipients receive a text message with a link to a file:
Password: 123456 (File is available for 10 minutes)
Clicking the link downloads a zip file that can be opened using the provided password.
Note: In order to safeguard your files and data, the link is only active for ten (10) minutes after the message is sent from Webex Teams.

You may find once you create several SMS conversations with telephone numbers that you lose track of who or what the conversations involved. To help you easily identify the content or contact name of your rooms, create an alias using the following steps:
Once you create the Webex conversation, send the following text message:
IntelePeer tnalias {alias name}
For example:
IntelePeer tnalias John Doe
The name of your conversation changes to include the alias name at the beginning of the conversation name. For example:
(John Doe) SMS Conversation with +17867119664