Smart IVR

Use this app to set up phone-tree menu options and associated audio.

The Smart IVR application tile in the marketplace

An Interactive Voice Response (IVR) menu walks callers through available choices and routes them based on spoken input or keypad selection. You can include Text-to-Speech (TTS) or previously recorded audio files greeting the caller and describing each menu option.



  • Select Audio: Create TTS or select an audio file to greet the caller.

    • On the Audio Settings pop-up, make sure Audio Text (TTS) is selected for TTS, or Audio Library for a recorded audio file, at the top of the page.

      • For Audio Text (TTS), select the vendor and voice you want to use from the drop-down lists.

        Note: By default, vendor IBM and voice Lisa American English are used for any TTS.

        • Then add the greeting to the text box.

      • For the Audio Library, click on the audio file you want to use or click the upload icon to add a new audio file to your account.

  • Choose the Number of Call Menu Options: Pick how many options the caller will be able to choose from. You can choose 1-9 menu options.

  • Set Up Call Menu Actions: For each of the call menu options identified above, assign a keypad number and/or spoken input, and a transfer number and/or audio feature.

    • For example: Press “1” or say “hours” and assign audio to play a prerecorded audio file of business hours. Or press “2” or say “help” and be transferred to the contact center.

  • Default Route: Assign a default transfer number and/or audio feature. This would be used if the caller entered or said an invalid option or didn’t respond in a timely manner (more than 10 seconds).


Once your Smart IVR app is configured and deployed, the final step is to assign a phone number to it.