Integrating Outbound Viber Messages
This tutorial describes how to send outbound messages using SmartFlows to Viber users. Viber allows accounts to send messages to other Viber users who subscribe to the account. Viber supports a variety of message types: text, picture, video, file, location, sticker, contact, carousel content, and URL. For this tutorial, we look at how to send a simple text message. For information on how to send other messaging types, see the Viber documentation.
To enable outbound messaging, you need the following:
- An IntelePeer account: You can sign up for an account here.
- A Viber account: You need to log onto the platform from a mobile device to create an account.
- An API request tool: Several free tools exist, including cURL, Postman, and Fiddler. The choice on which one is best to use is yours.
Note: The example function code in Python is provided as-is. Adapt the example to your use case, or design your own in your preferred programming language.
Configure Viber
- Create A Viber Bot: Once you have logged into Viber, you will select Create Bot Account from the left-hand navigation pane.
- Complete the webform: A webhook (also called a web callback or HTTP push API) is a way for Viber to provide your applications with real-time information.
- Click Create.
- Your bot will be created and note your Account Authentication Token. This token is a unique account identifier used to authorize any API request.
Configure SmartFlows
- Add an External Web Call action to your flow.
- Go to the ADD HEADER section and add the following key / value pair:
- KEY: X-Viber-Auth-Token
- Token: Your Viber Account Authentication Token
- Configure the action as follows:
CONTENT-TYPE: application/json
"name":"My Company Name"
"text":"Hello world!"
Only required fields have been added to the example. For detailed information on these and optional parameters, check out the Viber documentation.
- Save and Deploy your flow.