Integrating Inbound SMS Messaging with Slack
- An AWS account with Admin Privileges
- An IntelePeer account
- A Slack account
- cURL or Postman to test the API Endpoint (Optional)
Create a Slack App
Slack apps provide the packing for any functionality you wish to implement through Slack:
- Create a Slack workspace.
- Click your workspace name, and from the drop-down menu, select Settings & Administration > Manage apps.
- From the menu options on the top right side of the slack app directory, select Build.
- Under Your Apps, click Create an App.
- In the Create a Slack App pop-up, enter a name for your app, and from the Development Slack Workspace drop-down list, select your workspace.
- Click Create App. Your application’s Settings Basic Information section appears.
- Under the Add Features and Functionality section, click Incoming Webhooks, or from the menu on the left, select Incoming Webhooks.
- Set Activate Incoming Webhooks to On via the slider.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Add New Webhook to Workspace.
- Select the Slack workspace where the messages should go (via the Search for a channel drop-down list) and click Allow to authorize the Slack app to post messages there.
- A new webhook is added to your bot. Near the bottom of the Incoming Webhooks page, locate and note the Webhook URL. You need the URL later when configuring your SmartFlow.
- Navigate to the SmartFlow receiving your inbound message.
- Add a new External Web Call.
- Click the action you placed on the board and configure as follows:
- URL OF SERVICE: Enter your Slack webhook URL here
- BODY: {“text”: “$ISMS_1.message”}
- SAVE and DEPLOY your updated flow.
Test Your Command
To test your saved and deployed flow, send an SMS message to the number assigned to your SmartFlow.