Understanding the CPaaS Usage Summary Dashboard
You can use this dashboard to view a summary of your account's usage for Voice, natural language processing (NLP), SMS, and web services (APIs). A variety of time frames are provided for you to choose from.
Voice and NLP details are provided in minutes.
Note: Each individual Voice and NLP transaction is rounded up to the nearest tenth of a minute (6 seconds). The totals on the dashboard are the sum of all the individual transaction minutes for the time frame you choose. Time stamps are in UTC.
SMS and web services are calculated per transaction.
Common Issues
If you notice the calculations in the KPIs don’t align with your expectations, check out Common Dashboard Issues.
Accessing the Dashboard
Log into the IntelePeer Customer Portal, and click the Insights icon.
In the main screen, click Custom Analytics > Usage Summary.
On the dashboard, you can:
Select a 7-, 14-, or 30-day time frame. You can also select the current month or previous month's usage.
Note: Once you make a selection from the drop-down menus, click the Run button to update the usage information on the dashboard.
Click the total usage links to view details in table format showing individual transactions for the chosen time frame.
For the usage types line graphs, click a point on the line to view a chosen day's transactions in table format.
You can download the table details in several formats, including TXT, Excel spreadsheet, CSV, JSON, HTML, Markdown, PNG, and PDF. For more information, check out How to Download Dashboard Data.