File Storage Setup

Your reports from Insights, as well as audio recordings and other files, can be accessed on IntelePeer’s cloud storage. Follow this tutorial to generate a private/public key pair and configure access to our storage.

Important: The following tutorial includes instructions for setting up SFTP access using both the CPaaS Portal and the IntelePeer Customer Portal.

Secure FTP access requires we use a private key when accessing the storage. These steps use the Filezilla client for authentication and access. You can download FileZilla here.

Setting Up SFTP Access via the IntelePeer Customer Portal

  1. Log into the Customer Portal. From the My Account drop-down menu in the top right corner, select Enterprise Settings.

  1. Click Generate Key to generate a key pair.
  2. A pop-up presents you with a private key. Store this key in a secure location with a .ppk file extension. The access key is available only at the time you create it. If you lose your access key, you must create a new one.

  1. Make a note of the SFTP URL and Customer ID under the SFTP Credentials section. We need it later for the FileZilla setup.
  2. Download the FileZilla client, click File > Manage Site. Select the following options:
    • Protocol: SFTP.
    • Host: (the SFTP URL from Step 4).
    • Logon Type: Key File.
    • User: (the User Name obtained from Step 4).
    • Key File: Click Browse and select location of the private key from Step 3.
  3. Click Connect.

Setting Up SFTP Access via the CPaaS Portal

  1. Log into the CPaaS Portal. From the menu in the top right corner, navigate to My Account.
  2. Click SFTP Settings.
  3. Click Generate Key to generate a key pair.

  1. A pop-up presents you with a private key. Store this key in a secure location with a .ppk file extension. The access key is available only at the time you create it. If you lose your access key, you must create a new one.

  1. Make a note of the SFTP URL and UserName returned under the SFTP Credentials section. We need it later for the FileZilla setup.
  2. Download the FileZilla client, click File > Manage Site. Select the following options:
    • Protocol: SFTP.
    • Host: (the SFTP URL from Step 4).
    • Logon Type: Key File.
    • User: (the User Name obtained from Step 4).
    • Key File: Click Browse and select the location of the private key from Step 3.
  3. Click Connect.