E911 Number Management
Manage your Dynamic and Static 911 numbers where crucial phone number and location details are available to the 911 operator.
Note: E911 addresses require very strict matching. It is recommended to validate the service address before calling any of the E911 APIs. Also, check out Understand 911 Compliance Changes.
Click the subject name to view the associated API request information.
Base URL
All of the following endpoints share the same base URL:
POST https://customer.intelepeer.com/_rest/v3/my/did/e911

Use Add E911 to join the E911 service to a list of numbers.
Method and Endpoint
POST /_rest/v3/my/did/e911
- Accept: application/json
- Authorization: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Content-Type: application/json
Field | Type | Description |
Accept | STRING | application/json |
Authorization | STRING | Authorization token (for more information, see API Authentication) |
Content-Type | STRING | application/json |
Field | Type | Description |
address1 | STRING | The first line of the service address. |
address2 | STRING | (optional) The second line of the service address. |
city | STRING | The city of the service address. |
dynamic911CallbackNumbers | STRING | (optional) Requires isDynamic911 param to be set to TRUE; callback number is the NANPA-valid phone number at which the 911 caller can be reached; the callback number is delivered to the PSAP at emergency call time so they can use it if they need to contact the 911 caller after the initial 911 call has ended; the callback number can also be passed in the SIP messaging, in the Contact header; 10 digit callback number. |
dynamic911CallerName | STRING | (optional) Requires isDynamic911 param to be set to TRUE; a business or caller name to associate with the endpoint; this name is delivered to the PSAP; similar to the callback number, the caller name can also be passed in SIP messaging in the Contact header; if don't set this, when processing, the system defaults to the endpoint the service was requested for; can be up to 50 characters. |
dynamic911Identifier | STRING | (optional) Requires isDynamic911 param to be set to TRUE; the alternate end user identifier can be used as the caller identifier token in the SIP INVITE to identify the caller in place of a phone number; it’s used to identify the caller in the “From” and/or “P-Asserted-Identity” SIP headers; if you don't set this, when processing, the system defaults to the endpoint the service was requested for; it must be between 10 and 30 characters, inclusive, and can contain any characters in the range [A-Z a-z 0-9]; the identifier must be unique--you can't reuse an identifier that's being used elsewhere in your account. |
dynamic911Language | STRING | (optional) Requires isDynamic911 param to be set to TRUE; possible values: en or fr (default set to en). |
dynamic911TaxationLocationID | STRING | (optional) Requires isDynamic911 param to be set to TRUE; locationID of a location created by other VSP location API or VSP GUI; is exclusive with address (either dynamic911TaxationLocationID or address) must be specified. |
STRING | (optional) An email address to notify about changes in this order’s status. | |
isDynamic911 | BOOLEAN | (optional) If specified, value of TRUE means Dynamic 911, value of FALSE means Static 911; by default, set to FALSE (FALSE means the API places a Static 911 order). |
locationName | STRING | A name for the service location. |
notes | STRING | (optional)Notes regarding the fulfilment of this order. |
numbers | ARRAY |
An array of numbers to provide E911 service for. Each item is in the following form: { "countryCode": "1", "number": "1112223456" } |
referenceID | STRING | (optional) A non-empty string indicating your reference ID or code. |
serviceBusiness | STRING | The company ordering E911 service. |
serviceUser | STRING | The person ordering E911 service. |
serviceUserTitle | STRING | The title of the person ordering E911 service. |
state | STRING | Two-digit state of the service address. |
zip | STRING | The zip code of the service address. |
"serviceBusiness": "ABC Printing",
"serviceUser": "Ted Dillon",
"serviceUserTitle": "VP IT",
"locationName": "AZ Fastening",
"address1": "8050 NW 64TH ST",
"city": "MIAMI",
"state": "FL",
"zip": "33166",
"numbers": [
"countryCode": "1",
"number": "2125550001"
"countryCode": "1",
"number": "2125550002"
"serviceBusiness": "Intelepeer",
"serviceUser": "SampleName",
"serviceUserTitle": "IT",
"dynamic911TaxationLocationID": "426",
"dynamic911Language": "en",
"dynamic911Identifier": "AM update API",
"dynamic911CallbackNumbers": "9545551212",
"dynamic911CallerName": "AM MS teams update",
"isDynamic911": "true",
"numbers": [
"countryCode": 1,
"number": "6235551212"
Response Example and Schema
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
order | OBJECT | A complex object identifying batch-specific and number provisioning details. |
orderID | INTEGER | The overall ID associated with this order. |
batches | ARRAY | An array of “batch” objects with associated number provisioning details. |
batchID | INTEGER | The ID associated with this portion of the order (batch). |
numbers | ARRAY | An array of objects specifying the numbers and provisioning attributes associated with this particular batch. |
callerID | STRING |
(optional) The provisioning status of caller ID lookup service, if ordered/applicable (see network for value descriptions). Allowed values: PENDING, PROVISIONED, QUEUED |
cnam | STRING |
(optional) The provisioning status of Caller ID Registration (CNAM) service, if ordered/applicable (see network for value descriptions). Allowed values: PENDING, PROVISIONED, QUEUED |
countryCode | NUMERIC | The number’s country code. |
directoryListing | STRING |
(optional) The provisioning status of Directory Listing service, if ordered/applicable (see network for value descriptions). Allowed values: PENDING, PROVISIONED, QUEUED |
e164 | NUMERIC | The e.164 representation of the number. |
e911 | STRING |
(optional) The provisioning status of 911 service, if ordered/applicable (see network for value descriptions). Allowed values: PENDING, PROVISIONED, QUEUED |
e911Address | OBJECT | If the order is adding or changing 911 service, this is the associated address. |
name | STRING | The name/label of the 911 registration address. |
address1 | STRING | The first line of the 911 registration address. |
address2 | STRING | The second line of the 911 registration address. |
city | STRING | The city of the 911 registration address. |
state | STRING | The state of the 911 registration address. |
network | STRING |
The number’s provisioning status. Allowed values: PENDING, PROVISIONED, QUEUED
number | OBJECT | The number. |
Success Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"orderID": 12345,
"batches": [
"batchID": 23456,
"numbers": [
"callerID": null,
"cnam": null,
"countryCode": "1",
"directoryListing": null,
"e164": "+12125550001",
"e911": "QUEUED",
"e911Address": {
"location": "AZ Fastening",
"address1": "8050 NW 64TH ST",
"address2": null,
"city": "MIAMI",
"state": "FL",
"zip": "33166"
"network": null,
"number": "2125550001"
"callerID": null,
"cnam": null,
"countryCode": "1",
"directoryListing": null,
"e164": "+12125550002",
"e911": "QUEUED",
"e911Address": {
"location": "AZ Fastening",
"address1": "8050 NW 64TH ST",
"address2": null,
"city": "MIAMI",
"state": "FL",
"zip": "33166"
"network": null,
"number": "2125550002"
Name | Type | Description |
code | INTEGER | Error code |
error | STRING | Error description |
Code 401 Response
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
"code": 401,
"error": "Unauthorized"
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
"code": 401,
"error": "Session Expired"
Code 404 Response
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"code": 404,
"error": "Location not recognized."
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"code": 404,
"error": "Validation does not match: %s."
Code 406 Response
HTTP/1.1 406 Not Acceptable
"code": 406,
"error": "Not Acceptable"
Code 409 Response
HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
"code": 409,
"error": "One or more numbers are not assigned to this account."
HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
"code": 409,
"error": "One or more numbers are part of an active order: %d"
HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
"code": 409,
"error": "One or more numbers already have service: %s"
HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
"code": 409,
"error": "One or more numbers are already pending disconnect: %s"
Code 422 Response
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"code": 422,
"error": "The '%s' parameter is required."
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"code": 422,
"error": "The '%s' parameter must be scalar."
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"code": 422,
"error": "The '%s' parameter must be formatted as a(n) string."
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"code": 422,
"error": "The '%' parameter is required for each Number object."
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"code": 422,
"error": "The 'countryCode' parameter must match one of the following values: 1"
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"code": 422,
"error": "The 'number' parameter must be 10 numeric digits."

Update the E911 service status for a list of numbers.
Note: E911 addresses require very strict matching. It is recommended to validate the service address before calling any of the E911 APIs. Also, check out Understand 911 Compliance Changes.
Method and Endpoint
PUT /_rest/v3/my/did/e911
- Accept: application/json
- Authorization: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Content-Type: application/json
Field | Type | Description |
Accept | STRING | application/json |
Authorization | STRING | Authorization token (for more information, see API Authentication) |
Content-Type | STRING | application/json |
Field | Type | Description |
address1 | STRING | The first line of the service address. |
address2 | STRING | (optional) The second line of the service address. |
city | STRING | The city of the service address. |
locationName | STRING | A name for the service location. |
numbers | ARRAY |
An array of numbers to provide E911 service for. Each item is in the following form: { "countryCode": "1", "number": "1112223456" } |
STRING | (optional) An email address to notify about changes in the order’s status. | |
notes | STRING | (optional) Notes regarding the fulfilment of the order. |
referenceID | STRING | (optional) A non-empty string indicating your reference ID or code. |
serviceBusiness | STRING | The company ordering E911 service. |
serviceUser | STRING | The person ordering E911 service. |
serviceUserTitle | STRING | The title of the person ordering E911 service. |
state | STRING | Two-digit state of the service address. |
zip | STRING | The zip code of the service address. |
"serviceBusiness": "ABC Printing",
"serviceUser": "Ted Dillon",
"serviceUserTitle": "VP IT",
"locationName": "AZ Fastening",
"address1": "8050 NW 64TH ST",
"city": "MIAMI",
"state": "FL",
"zip": "33166",
"numbers": [
"countryCode": "1",
"number": "2125550001"
"countryCode": "1",
"number": "2125550002"
Response Example and Schema
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
order | OBJECT | A complex object identifying batch-specific and number provisioning details. |
orderID | INTEGER | The overall ID associated with this order. |
batches | ARRAY | An array of “batch” objects with associated number provisioning details. |
batchID | INTEGER | The ID associated with this portion of the order (batch). |
numbers | ARRAY | An array of objects specifying the numbers and provisioning attributes associated with this particular batch. |
callerID | STRING |
(optional) The provisioning status of caller ID lookup service, if ordered/applicable (see network for value descriptions). Allowed values: PENDING, PROVISIONED, QUEUED |
cnam | STRING |
(optional) The provisioning status of Caller ID Registration (CNAM) service, if ordered/applicable (see network for value descriptions). Allowed values: PENDING, PROVISIONED, QUEUED |
countryCode | NUMERIC | The number’s country code. |
directoryListing | STRING |
(optional) The provisioning status of Directory Listing service, if ordered/applicable (see network for value descriptions). Allowed values: PENDING, PROVISIONED, QUEUED |
e164 | NUMERIC | The e.164 representation of the number. |
e911 | STRING |
(optional) The provisioning status of 911 service, if ordered/applicable (see network for value descriptions). Allowed values: PENDING, PROVISIONED, QUEUED |
e911Address | OBJECT | (optional) If the order is adding or changing 911 service, this is the associated address. |
name | STRING | The name/label of the 911 registration address. |
address1 | STRING | The first line of the 911 registration address. |
address2 | STRING | The second line of the 911 registration address. |
city | STRING | The city of the 911 registration address. |
state | STRING | The state of the 911 registration address. |
network | STRING |
The number’s provisioning status. Allowed values: PENDING, PROVISIONED, QUEUED
number | OBJECT | The number. |
Success Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"orderID": 12345,
"batches": [
"batchID": 23456,
"numbers": [
"callerID": null,
"cnam": null,
"countryCode": "1",
"directoryListing": null,
"e164": "+12125550001",
"e911": "QUEUED",
"e911Address": {
"location": "AZ Fastening",
"address1": "8050 NW 64TH ST",
"address2": null,
"city": "MIAMI",
"state": "FL",
"zip": "33166"
"network": null,
"number": "2125550001"
"callerID": null,
"cnam": null,
"countryCode": "1",
"directoryListing": null,
"e164": "+12125550002",
"e911": "QUEUED",
"e911Address": {
"location": "AZ Fastening",
"address1": "8050 NW 64TH ST",
"address2": null,
"city": "MIAMI",
"state": "FL",
"zip": "33166"
"network": null,
"number": "2125550002"
Name | Type | Description |
code | INTEGER | Error code |
error | STRING | Error description |
Code 401 Response
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
"code": 401,
"error": "Unauthorized"
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
"code": 401,
"error": "Session Expired"
Code 404 Response
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"code": 404,
"error": "Location not recognized."
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"code": 404,
"error": "Validation does not match: %s."
Code 406 Response
HTTP/1.1 406 Not Acceptable
"code": 406,
"error": "Not Acceptable"
Code 409 Response
HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
"code": 409,
"error": "One or more numbers are not assigned to this account."
HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
"code": 409,
"error": "One or more numbers are part of an active order: %d"
HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
"code": 409,
"error": "One or more numbers do not have service: %s"
HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
"code": 409,
"error": "One or more numbers are already pending disconnect: %s"
Code 422 Response
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"code": 422,
"error": "The '%s' parameter is required."
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"code": 422,
"error": "The '%s' parameter must be scalar."
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"code": 422,
"error": "The '%s' parameter must be formatted as a(n) string."
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"code": 422,
"error": "The '%' parameter is required for each Number object."
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"code": 422,
"error": "The 'countryCode' parameter must match one of the following values: 1"
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"code": 422,
"error": "The 'number' parameter must be 10 numeric digits."

Remove the E911 service from a list of numbers.
Note: For information on current 911 legislation, check out Understand 911 Compliance Changes.
Method and Endpoint
DELETE: /_rest/v3/my/did/e911
- Accept: application/json
- Authorization: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Content-Type: application/json
Field | Type | Description |
Accept | STRING | application/json |
Authorization | STRING | Authorization token (for more information, see API Authentication) |
Content-Type | STRING | application/json |
Field | Type | Description |
Email (optional) | STRING | An email address for notifications about changes in the order’s status. |
Notes (optional) | STRING | Notes regarding the fulfilment of the order. |
numbers | ARRAY |
An array of reserve numbers on which to operate. Each item is in the following form: { "countryCode": "1", "number": "2125550001" } |
referenceID (optional) | STRING | A non-empty string indicating your reference ID or code. |
serviceBusiness | STRING | The company ordering E911 service. |
serviceUser | STRING | The person ordering E911 service. |
serviceUserTitle | STRING | The title of the person ordering E911 service. |
"serviceBusiness": "ABC Printing",
"serviceUser": "Ted Dillon",
"serviceUserTitle": "VP IT",
"numbers": [
"countryCode": "1",
"number": "2125550001"
"countryCode": "1",
"number": "2125550002"
Response Example and Schema
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
order | OBJECT | A complex object identifying batch-specific and number provisioning details. |
orderID | INTEGER | The overall ID associated with this order. |
batches | ARRAY | An array of “batch” objects with associated number provisioning details. |
batchID | INTEGER | The ID associated with this portion of the order (batch). |
numbers | ARRAY | An array of objects specifying the numbers and provisioning attributes associated with this particular batch. |
callerID (optional) | STRING |
The provisioning status of caller ID lookup service, if ordered/applicable (see network for value descriptions). Allowed values: PENDING, PROVISIONED, QUEUED |
Cnam (optional) | STRING |
The provisioning status of Caller ID Registration (CNAM) service, if ordered/applicable (see network for value descriptions). Allowed values: PENDING, PROVISIONED, QUEUED |
countryCode | NUMERIC | The number’s country code. |
directoryListing (optional) | STRING |
The provisioning status of Directory Listing service, if ordered/applicable (see network for value descriptions). Allowed values: PENDING, PROVISIONED, QUEUED |
e164 | NUMERIC | The e.164 representation of the number. |
E911 (optional) | STRING |
The provisioning status of 911 service, if ordered/applicable (see network for value descriptions). Allowed values: PENDING, PROVISIONED, QUEUED |
e911Address (optional) | OBJECT | If the order is adding or changing 911 service, this is the associated address. |
name | STRING | The name/label of the 911 registration address. |
address1 | STRING | The first line of the 911 registration address. |
address2 | STRING | The second line of the 911 registration address. |
city | STRING | The city of the 911 registration address. |
state | STRING | The state of the 911 registration address. |
network | STRING |
The number’s provisioning status. Allowed values: PENDING, PROVISIONED, QUEUED
number | OBJECT | The number. |
Success Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"orderID": 12345,
"batches": [
"batchID": 23456,
"numbers": [
"callerID": null,
"cnam": null,
"countryCode": "1",
"directoryListing": null,
"e164": "+12125550001",
"e911": "QUEUED",
"e911Address": null,
"network": null,
"number": "2125550001"
"callerID": null,
"cnam": null,
"countryCode": "1",
"directoryListing": null,
"e164": "+12125550002",
"e911": "QUEUED",
"e911Address": null,
"network": null,
"number": "2125550002"
Name | Type | Description |
code | INTEGER | Error code |
error | STRING | Error description |
Code 401 Response
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
"code": 401,
"error": "Unauthorized"
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
"code": 401,
"error": "Session Expired"
Code 406 Response
HTTP/1.1 406 Not Acceptable
"code": 406,
"error": "Not Acceptable"
Code 409 Response
Note: The specified order must be completed or cancelled before trying the same request.
HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
"code": 409,
"error": "A conflicting order is in progress: %d"
Note: E911 service cannot be removed from one or more numbers.
HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
"code": 409,
"error": "One or more numbers ineligible."
Note: E911 service cannot be removed from the specified numbers because they do not have E911 service.
HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
"code": 409,
"error": "Numbers do not have service: %s"
Code 422 Response
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"code": 422,
"error": "The '%s' parameter is required."
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"code": 422,
"error": "The '%s' parameter must be scalar."
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"code": 422,
"error": "The '%s' parameter must be formatted as a(n) string."
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"code": 422,
"error": "The '%' parameter is required for each Number object."
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"code": 422,
"error": "The 'countryCode' parameter must match one of the following values: 1"
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"code": 422,
"error": "The 'number' parameter must be 10 numeric digits."