Campaign Management
This guide describes the APIs available to automatically manage Engage campaigns. Using these APIs you can:
Campaigns can be manually managed through the Engage menu option at the top of the CPaaS Portal or the Engage application within the Customer Portal, but you can also automate campaign management through our APIs.
Getting Started
Before you begin using these APIs make sure you've obtained an authentication token, and check out the API Basics page to learn more about basic requirements for using the APIs.
Note: For all requests, Content-Type and Accept headers must be in JSON format.
Base URL
All of the following endpoints share the same base URL:
(e.g., GET/
Campaign Management APIs
Click on the APIs below to view the parameters and code samples associated with each endpoint.

Use this endpoint to enumerate all of your campaigns in Engage.
GET /_rest/v2/campaigns
Authorization: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Content-Type: application/json
Field | Type | Description |
Authorization | String | Authorization token (for more information, see API Authentication) |
Content-Type | String | application/json |
Error Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | Error code |
error | String | Error description |
Sample Responses
Code 200 Response
Response code 200 returns a list of campaign objects.
"listRel": [
"location": "US",
"_id": "5cf02630e313d620ca9743e4",
"campaignName": "testing ethel",
"campaignDescription": "",
"callerIdentification": "+13122735567",
"startDate": "2019-06-26T00:00:00.000Z",
"endDate": "2019-06-29T00:00:00.000Z",
"active": 1,
"numAttempts": 1,
"appId": "5cf02606b4623d6a23167b23",
"runNow": false,
"modifiedDate": "2019-06-26T19:58:00.871Z",
"modifiedBy": "ethel",
"customerId": "9999999",
"createdDate": "2019-05-30T18:51:28.963Z",
"createdBy": "ethel",
"deleteFlag": false,
"lastExecuted": "",
"scheduled": "5d13bfcd4c36cca2d46a0a8d",
"retryInterval": 0,
"flowId": "5bef29e1c5480c40e2ab4ef0",
"timezone": "(CET) - mainterritory of Spain"
Code 401 Response
Response code 401 returns an error that the authorization token is invalid.
"message": "string",
"status": 401
Code 500 Response
Response code 500 returns an error when trying to retrieve a list of your campaigns.
"message": "Something went wrong during the listing of a customer's campaigns",
"status": 500

Use this endpoint to retrieve details on a particular campaign.
GET /_rest/v2/campaigns?id=xxxxxx
Note: Either the "Id" or "Name" parameter is required.
Key = id; Value = campaignId
Key = name; Value = campaignName
Sample Request
Example with Id:
Example with Name:
Note: Your query must include at least four characters and spaces are allowed.
Sample Responses
Code 200 Response
Response code 200 returns a campaign object.
"listRel": [
"location": "US",
"_id": "5cf02630e313d620ca9743e4",
"campaignName": "testing ethel",
"campaignDescription": "",
"callerIdentification": "+13122735567",
"startDate": "2019-06-26T00:00:00.000Z",
"endDate": "2019-06-29T00:00:00.000Z",
"active": 1,
"numAttempts": 1,
"appId": "5cf02606b4623d6a23167b23",
"runNow": false,
"modifiedDate": "2019-06-26T19:58:00.871Z",
"modifiedBy": "ethel",
"customerId": "9999999",
"createdDate": "2019-05-30T18:51:28.963Z",
"createdBy": "ethel",
"deleteFlag": false,
"lastExecuted": "",
"scheduled": "5d13bfcd4c36cca2d46a0a8d",
"retryInterval": 0,
"flowId": "5bef29e1c5480c40e2ab4ef0",
"timezone": "(CET) - mainterritory of Spain"
Code 401 Response
Response code 401 returns an error that the authorization token is invalid.
"message": "string",
"status": 401
Code 404 Response
Response code 404 returns a message that the campaign id or name is wrong and the campaign is not found.
Code 500 Response
Response code 500 returns an error when trying to retrieve campaign details.
"message": "Something went wrong when trying to get campaign details",
"status": 500

Use this endpoint to create and save a new campaign in Engage.
Note: The campaign won't be published.
POST /_rest/v2/campaigns
Note: You must send your request in JSON format.
No fields are required in the request body
Optional Fields: campaignDescription, campaignName, callerIdentification, and flowId
Sample Request
"campaignDescription":"A new Engage Campaign description",
"campaignName":"A brand new Campaign!",
Sample Responses
Code 201 Response
Response code 201 returns a campaign object when a campaign has successfully been created.
"listRel": [],
"lists": [],
"location": "US",
"_id": "62151c1cc6c0c841da2fe8c5",
"deleteFlag": false,
"campaignDescription": "A new Engage Campaign description",
"campaignName": "A brand new Campaign!",
"callerIdentification": "0000000000",
"flowId": "61a9a3ecf6b8387f078d52a1",
"startDate": null,
"endDate": null,
"active": 0,
"numAttempts": 1,
"retryInterval": 0,
"runNow": false,
"scheduleId": null,
"rate": 1,
"timezone": "",
"appId": "62151c1ab0fcee1e165d4540",
"createdDate": "2022-02-22T17:23:40.073Z",
"createdBy": "*",
"customerId": "1028811",
"plan": "professional",
"modifiedDate": "2022-02-22T17:23:40.073Z",
"modifiedBy": "*"
Code 401 Response
Response code 401 returns an error that the authorization token is invalid.
"message": "string",
"status": 401
Code 500 Response
Response code 500 returns an error during campaign creation.
"message": "Something went wrong during campaign creation",
"status": 500

Use this endpoint to make a campaign active and ready to be run or available for scheduling.
Note: A campaign can only be run via API if it is in Published status.
POST /_rest/v2/campaigns/:id/action
Note: You must send your request in JSON format.
Campaign Id
Required field:
Sample Request
"action": "publish"
Sample Responses
Code 200 Response
Response code 200 returns a boolean value of true indicating that the campaign is published successfully.
Code 401 Response
Response code 401 returns an error that the authorization token is invalid.
Code 404 Response
Response code 404 returns a message of not found if the campaign Id is wrong in the parameter.
Code 422 Response
Response code 422 returns a message that the required parameters are missing, or if the action field is missing, empty, or invalid.
Code 500 Response
Response code 500 returns an error when trying to publish the campaign.

Use this endpoint to conduct a campaign in Engage.
Note: A campaign can only be run via API if it is in Published status.
POST /_rest/v2/campaigns/:id/action
Note: You must send your request in JSON format.
Campaign Id
Required field:
Sample Request
"action": "run"
Sample Responses
Code 200 Response
Response code 200 returns a boolean value of true indicating that the campaign is running or has run.
Code 401 Response
Response code 401 returns an error that the authorization token is invalid.
"message": "string",
"status": 401
Code 404 Response
Response code 404 returns a message that the campaign id is incorrect.
Code 422 Response
Response code 422 returns a message that the action field is missing, empty, or invalid.
"message": "The 'action' parameter is required",
"status": 422
Code 500 Response
Response code 500 returns an error when trying to run the campaign, or the campaign is not published yet and in Draft status.
"message": "Something went wrong when trying to run the campaign",
"status": 500

Use this endpoint to revise an existing campaign in Engage.
You can only use this endpoint if your campaign is linked to a flow in SmartFlows. Learn more about integrating SmartFlows and Engage here.
PUT /_rest/v2/campaigns/:id
Note: You must send your request in JSON format.
Campaign Id
Required fields:
Note: The Flow ID is only accessible from the SmartFlows interface. You must log into your account, open the flow, and copy the Flow ID from the configurations panel.
Optional field:
Note: These fields can be updated in the body.
Sample Request
"callerIdentification": "+16075175200",
"campaignName": "Florida SMS Test",
"flowId": "5bef29e1c5480c40e2ab4ef0",
"campaignDescription": "This is a Florida SMS Test"
Sample Responses
Code 200 Response
Response code 200 returns a campaign object.
"campaignName": "Texas SMS Test",
"campaignId": "5c1097c6717a743602510c9c",
"campaignDescription": "This is a Texas SMS test",
"callerIdentification": "+13122735567",
"flowTypeId": "5d24c0e64886e81bb4cbf069",
"startDate": "2019-06-18",
"endDate": "2019-06-18",
"active": 1,
"numAttempts": "5",
"retryInterval": "10",
"appId": "",
"runNow": "true",
"scheduleId": "5f24c065jkl0p81bb4cbf069",
"modifiedDate": "2019-06-18T00:14:03Z",
"modifiedBy": "sspeirs",
"createdDate": "2019-06-18T00:14:03Z",
"createdBy": "sspeirs",
"deleteFlag": "false",
"customerId": 9999999,
"listRel": [
"utcName": "United States Minor Outlying Islands - Baker Island",
"utcOffset": "−12:00"
Code 401 Response
Response code 401 returns an error that the authorization token is invalid.
"message": "string",
"status": 401
Code 404 Response
Response code 404 returns a message that the campaign id parameter is incorrect.
"message": "The 'campaign id' parameter is required",
"status": 404
Code 500 Response
Response code 500 returns an error when trying to update the campaign.
"message": "Something went wrong when trying to update the campaign",
"status": 500

Use this endpoint to determine if any of your campaigns are experiencing an error.
GET /_rest/v2/campaigns/errors
Authorization: Authorization token (string)
Content-Type: application/json
Query Parameters
No fields are required in the request body.
Sample Request
Sample Responses
Code 200 Response
Success response example:
"listRel": [ "6346d4529ba9c200096f3e8"
"lists": [{"listId": "6346d4529ba9c200096f3e8", "moc": "phone", "autoDetectTZ": true}],
"location": "US",
"_id": "636d528fdda97296908aa762",
"deleteFlag": false,
"campaignName": "Customer Campaign 1",
"callerIdentification": "+17077316030",
"active": 0,
"numAttempts": 1,
"retryInterval": 0
"appId": "6375157c88992d5714e99153",
"runNow": false,
"scheduleId": null,
"modifiedBy": "user-id",
"createdBy": "user-id",
"timezone": "",
"rate": 1,
"startDate": null,
"endDate"; null,
"modifiedDate": "2023-03-10T17:44:57.311Z",
"createdDate": "2022-11-23T19:35:43.387Z",
"customerId": "9999999",
"plan": "enterprise",
"status": "Error",
"flowId": "636bf2ed0a56acfd104bc2f",
"publishedDate": "2023-03-09T20:15:15.095Z",
"runId": "636d528fdda97296908aa762:166871156336"
Code 401 Response
Missing, invalid, or expired token response example:
"message": "Authorization token is invalid",
"status": 401

Use this endpoint to remove a campaign in Engage.
DELETE /_rest/v2/campaigns/:id
Campaign Id
Sample Request
DELETE /_rest/v2/campaigns/5d3f47f23d29d148c5f6218e
Sample Responses
Code 202 Response
Response code 202 returns a boolean value of true indicating that the campaign is in the process of deleting or has been deleted.
Code 401 Response
Response code 401 returns an error that the authorization token is invalid.
"message": "string",
"status": 401
Code 404 Response
Response code 404 returns a message that the campaign id parameter is incorrect.
"message": "The 'campaign id' parameter is required",
"status": 404
Code 500 Response
Response code 500 returns an error when trying to delete the campaign.
"message": "Something went wrong when trying to delete the campaign",
"status": 500