October 9, 2020

Engage API functionality was updated to simplify adding and retrieving list recipients.

Campaign enhancements:
Four statuses are now available for campaigns:
Draft: An inactive campaign saved, but not yet deployed (i.e., in the process of filling out the fields for a new campaign)
Published: A saved campaign with all required fields validated, but not yet deployed (i.e., a new campaign is fully created but hasn’t been used yet)
Scheduled: An active campaign planned for a set time window. Once the scheduled campaign is run, the status will change to Active.
Active: A campaign that is actively running
The Action column on the Campaigns page was renamed Run.
The green arrow icon in the Run column on the Campaigns page is only available for campaigns in Published status.
Click the Save Draft button at any time during the creation of a new campaign to save your progress. Your draft campaign can be closed and accessed later on the Campaigns page.
After clicking the Publish button on a new campaign, red error text will populate next any incomplete or missing fields.
Click the Run Campaign button on the New Campaign page to run your campaign from the creation page. After you click Save Draft and Publish, the Run Campaign button appears.
The Save Schedule and Clear Schedule buttons were added to the Campaign Schedule pop-up.
Click Save Schedule then Publish to set your campaign to run on the day and time selected. The campaign status is then set to Scheduled, and will automatically run according to your specifications.
Click Clear Schedule to erase any previously selected day and time specifications.
The Number of Retries and Retry Interval fields are now available for voice campaigns. First select the number of retry attempts, then specify the minutes or hours between attempts.
List enhancements:
An error message with appear if a new CSV list file with the following is selected:
Blank header
Parentheses in header
Dollar sign in header
After selecting a new CSV list file, you can choose to use existing headers automatically extracted from the file or create new ones.
You can now indicate which header should be used as the method of contact for your campaign.
Using the “split your contacts by time zone” check box, you can now send a campaign based on recipient time zones. The campaign is deployed at the appropriate time based on the recipient area code number.

Playback a recorded response to confirm caller input. Configure a Play Audio action following Record Response to repeat caller input using the response recording variable in Audio Settings.