May 29, 2020

There is now a message about the soft launch to help customers get set up in the CPaaS Portal, a process that comprises two simple steps.
Click the tab called ‘Atmosphere Upgrade’ and click ‘Sync Account’ on that page; this creates a CPaaS Portal account for the logged-in user with one click, allowing you to navigate back and forth seamlessly
Expand the top-right account drop-down and select ‘Go to Atmosphere’.
Similarly, the CPaaS Portal also has an option in the drop-down labeled ‘Go to Voice Portal’.
We cleaned up some of the copy in the number tables on the Home package (removed SmartFlows assignment information, as it was confusing and not useful; it now just shows whether a number is CPaaS-enabled, which can be toggled on/off from the CPaaS Portal, or can still be done using the ‘Manage’ à ’Add SmartFlows’ steps). CPaaS enablement just means that a number is provisioned for CPaaS and that our network will route incoming interactions with that number to SmartFlows.
Note: A number can be both CPaaS-enabled and part of a SIP package. This just means that if the router sees that the call is coming from the PSTN, it will route to CPaaS first; if, on a transfer, the router sees that the call is coming from CPaaS, it knows to follow the SIP routing that is configured in the SIP package.
We added flow-level assignment information to the CPaaS Portal for better at-a-glance viewing of number configurations.
We added CPaaS-enablement toggle on/off in the CPaaS Portal.
We added a filter check box to allow user to show only CPaaS-enabled numbers in the CPaaS Portal number management screen.
The SmartFlows Number Assignment page is visible in the CPaaS Portal.
The Number assignment page now only shows CPaaS-enabled numbers.

We’ve begun our transition to a better user experience for Insights. As a first step, you will see a new left navigation menu to choose dashboards, which will allow us to add more Insights content, as well as a section for customers with custom dashboards. We have further navigation improvements in development now so stay tuned!
Other miscellaneous visual/naming improvements, and minor bug fixes.