March 7, 2020

New Features:
Created the ability for users to upload a single contact to a list without having to re-upload a new list from scratch. Users can also perform this action with the API using the Create List, Create Contact, and Associate Contact to List methods.
Added a search feature that allows a user to choose a number from their inventory instead of using free form text. Will be backwards compatible with existing campaigns. New campaigns will require that users choose a number from the IntelePeer inventory.
Bug Fix:
Fixed a bug that prevented users from being able to upload a list from within a campaign.

Updated default week start date to Monday.
Added last refresh time to dashboards. Now you can see when the data was last refreshed.
Important note: For the Voice Services dashboard between 8 AM and 8 PM EST, data is only refreshed every hour. (i.e., if I access the voice dashboard at 9:15 AM, I will see all completed call records that occurred at or before 9 AM).
Added flexibility to filtering. Customers can now select different date ranges up to 60 days at a time. Data available is last 60 days for Voice Services and up to 3 years for Messaging and SmartFlows.
Added Call Location in the Voice Services dashboard.
Now customers can see where calls originated from in the US-based on the Dialed State.
Updated the Voice Services call type to provide a higher level of granularity.
Updated the drill details in all dashboards to reflect consistent data for each drill.

New Features:
Added more detailed activity tracking, allowing the user to see who most recently modified a flow on the Flow Library screen.
Added a feature that highlights the connectors going into and out of an action block to better visualize the path of a flow.
Created the ability for Starter package users to put a flow into production for solving a specific use case or doing live testing of the platform. Users can undeploy the flow to replace with a different one if they wish.
Added a search feature that allows a user to select a number from their inventory or a another variable in the flow to use in a flow. This will not break any existing flows, but if flows are later edited, they will need to be re-deployed, and at that time, if they are using a free form number in their ‘from fields’, an error message will prompt them to choose a number from their IntelePeer inventory or a variable.
Finalized Amazon S3 storage for Audio Library clips and recordings generated through call recording actions in SmartFlows. Note that this is temporary audio recording storage aimed at allowing customers to quickly retrieve and download recordings. We will be adding an automated retention policy, notifications, and purge process in a later release.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug that resulted in templates not displaying in the template library.
Fixed a bug that allowed multiple variables to be created with the same name in the Inbound API trigger action
Fixed a bug that prevented number assignment from completing correctly.
Fixed a bug that prevented the Preview Text-to-Speech feature from correctly playing audio that contains special characters like accents.
Resolved a bug that prevents a flow from being deployed when the Condition action contains certain values.
Added more detailed error messages on Number Assignment so that users can better understand why it didn’t work.
Added better validation on the Switch action to prevent the user from accidentally creating invalid variables.
Fixed an error that prevented Switch from functioning properly with the contents of a WhatsApp message, resulting in the default path being taken every time.
Removed unsupported image media types from the configuration panel of the WhatsApp Send action to avoid confusion to the end user.
Added more enforcement to read-only mode by not allowing a user to remove items from the SmartFlow when they are in read-only mode.
Fixed an error that led to Watson Text-to-Speech improperly reading SSML tags.
Fixed a bug that caused variables created in the External Web Call action to disappear intermittently from the drop-down menu.