February 1, 2024

The following bugs were fixed:
An issue causing stopped campaigns with an assigned schedule to continue running according to the schedule time windows was resolved.
Now, when a campaign is stopped, it will not run once it's scheduled time window is reached. The campaign will only begin again when you first click the Resume Campaign button, and then the scheduled time window is later reached.
If you upload a new list via the Create & Upload New List pop-up and the List Name is greater than 50 characters, a warning pop-up message now appears indicating that the name of your list must be shortened to successfully create the new list.
When you associate existing lists with your campaign on the Campaign List Table pop-up and click View Selected Lists, pagination now appears at the bottom of the window (if you selected more than 10 lists).
For campaigns with many contacts across different time zones, an error caused contacts to receive campaigns at unexpected times when the campaign spilled over to another day, despite the Split Contacts by Timezone check box being selected.
This issue was resolved, and spillover campaigns are now received at the expected, time zone appropriate, times.
When the Split Contacts by Timezone check box is selected after a campaign initially runs, contacts now receive campaigns at the time zone appropriate intervals as expected.
Previously, if you created a new campaign with contacts across different time zones, did not check the Split Contacts by Timezone box, and ran your campaign before going back to click the time zone check box, the change did not manifest and the campaign was not sent out at different times.
An issue causing the Start and End time fields not to reset for a scheduled and published campaign when the schedule was later cleared, has been resolved. The time fields now reset to "9:00 AM" and "5:00 PM" when the Clear Schedule button is clicked, as expected.
When changing your campaign type, publishing, and attempting to switch the campaign type back again, an error caused the legacy selection label to appear along with the correct associated flow. This issue was resolved, and the correct campaign type labels now appear when switching between different options.
You can no longer delete a non-scheduled campaign when it is paused.
To delete a campaign, it must be stopped before proceeding. A campaign, whether scheduled or not, cannot be deleted when paused.