August 16, 2019

Our new Engage API creates an Open API file that will allow customers to integrate directly with Engage via API. More detailed documentation to come. No customer impact.
Visual updates to have been made to Engage to match new IntelePeer branding.
New API documentation has been created for Engage APIs.

New Features:
SmartFlows now has an input box on the Inbound WhatsApp trigger for entering and assigning a WhatsApp ID.
Now users can prevent other users from editing their flows, but other users are still able to copy the flow as their own.
There is now SSL certification support for mongodb connection with provides encryption at rest for external web calls in SmartFlows.
You can now switch between read-only and public mode which allows a user to choose to make their flow available to be edited by other users or to be read only to other users.
Flows can now be shared with specific people in their organization without giving access to anyone else to edit.
We changed the colors of SmartFlows to match the new colors of IntelePeer’s newly released website.
There is now a scroll control for when the number of error messages exceeds the space allotted for them
There is now an EU environment for SmartFlows. There is no customer impact.
We’ve added additional outbound gateways to Asterisk and the Event Manager.
We changed the naming conventions of Watson Assistant to be more intuitive and aligned with the naming conventions used by IBM in their interface.
A user’s data entered into the web service action will now be encrypted at rest in order to keep the information safe.
There will now be “Preview” labels on the Jump to and Jump from actions so that users know it is still in an early stage of development.
Users now have the ability to initiate one flow from another flow so that they are able to create different modules. This can be used in more complex use cases.
We implemented a feature that allows IntelePeer to add new internal template creators to the system without a code deployment. This does not impact customers.
Bug Fixes:
The new ability to delegate flows allows a user to give editing permissions to another user for a read-only flow.
A save button has been added to the “Create Template Flow” details page to allow IntelePeer template creators to save templates in progress and return to them later.
We fixed a bug where SmartFlows would enter an infinite loop of SMS messages.
We fixed a bug where in the time zone settings so the text will not overlap with the “X” button.
On the template section pop-up, a user can click on the entire row for the template instead of clicking just the button to create a copy of the template.
If the user forgets to configure the Channel ID for the PLAY AUDIO action, it will now display the error to the user.
SmartFlows no longer allows for the Response Timeout Input for the SMS action to accept a negative number.
Inside the DIAL action, we changed the naming of the “On VM” possible action to “On Voice Message” to make it more intuitive for the user.
We fixed a bug where after viewing a Read Only flow, when a user tries to access their own flow it converts it to a read only flow and will not allow them to make any edits.
After a user closes a flow, the Detail Pane will also close.
We fixed a bug that caused text in the description box to disappear without saving it.
In the Audio Text Menu for Menu tree, when a user chooses “Select All” for the type of audio, the text will now change to “Unselect All”.
We fixed a bug where available variables did not show up for the Record Response action.
We fixed a bug where multiple triggers could be in a flow with no error messages being shown.
We fixed an error where an undeployed flow could still successfully sent SMS.
Now when templates are being created, they can first be saved to come back to to work on before having to publish them. Before you could only publish the flow as a template.
We fixed a bug where a user could not create a flow using Inbound API –> Dial –> Play Audio without encountering an error.
Users can no longer enter the same user ID without encountering an error message.
At times, the verb menu would not appear when a new flow was created. This has been fixed.
Users can now collect DTMF from an Inbound API triggered flow.
We fixed a bug that was causing some drag and drop features to not work.
External Web Call and Switch no longer follow the success path when encountering errors.