
Powered by Watson Assistant, the Tonality action allows you to analyze, measure, and act upon the tone and emotion of a voice recording or text. It could be used to alert contact center managers when an angry caller is on the line, prompt your system to request feedback based on tonality, measure trends based on satisfaction, and more!

The Tonality action on a blank board

Tonality differs from Sentiment in that it provides more nuance and evaluates different emotions. Sentiment simply indicates a positive, neutral, or negative experience.



Sample Inputs in the Configurations Panel for the Tonality action


This field allows you to select which channel you would like to analyze. Select ANI to record the caller, DNIS to record the receiver, and ICALL_#.CHANNEL_ID to record both channels. Depending on how you’ve built your flow, you may have additional channels to analyze, like a recording or an SMS.



This is the file name assigned to the recorded tonality. It looks like TONALITY_#.tonality. The # within the name refers to the number assigned to the Tonality action.


Evaluating the Tone Assigned

In order to act upon the Tonality measured by SmartFlows, you need to follow it with Switch or Condition action. Switch allows for more control over the actions you can take afterwards, so we recommend using Switch.

Sample Inputs for a Switch action following the Tonality action


Select TONALITY_#.tonality to act upon the measurement. Check out How to Use Variables in SmartFlows for more information about using variables within your flows.



This field allows you to select “contains,” “less than,” or “greater than.” For Tonality values, select “contains.”



There are pre-determined values based on Watson’s capabilities. The valid values available for Watson Tone Analyzer are:

  • Anger
  • Fear
  • Joy
  • Sadness
  • Analytical
  • Confident
  • Tentative

For more information about how to use IBM Watson’s Tone Analyzer, click here.