
Switch allows you to change the path of the flow based on the evaluation of a specific criterion.

The Switch action on a blank board

Switch differs from Condition by evaluating statements from top to bottom, where the first true statement initiates the next action. In Condition, all of the conditions must be true to go through a path.


You might use the Switch action to:

  • Route calls based on the time of day using the "DateTime.currentTime" variable.

  • Send a specific subset of customers to a specific call center (e.g., "Platinum" customers are sent to "Platinum" support).


Check out the video below to learn more about using Switch to control the path of your flow.



Input Name Description
Variable* The criterion you would like to use to determine the path of the flow. Depending on how you build your flow, there may be different variables available, like Tonality. *This is a required field.

Name the criterion determining the flow path. *This is a required field.

Note: This field only appears if the variable custom is selected.


Select how the variable selected above is evaluated. *This is a required field.

Note: Use "Contains" to evaluate a literal value vs. "String Contains" to evaluate a variable.


The exact criterion or input to be matched. *This is a required field.

Note: Your Value cannot begin with a zero with the Condition "Less Than" or "Greater Than" (e.g., Greater Than "012345" would cause an "Unable to compile function" error), and you cannot include * or # with the Condition "Contains" (we recommend using the Condition "Equals" if you need to use either symbol).



Each Switch action includes exit ports corresponding to each of the variables added in the Inputs section. The final exit port, labeled Default, is the path the flow will take if none of your added criterion are met.

An action should be connected to each of the exit ports and the port order cannot be rearranged.