Send Facebook

The Send Facebook action sends a message via Facebook Messenger.

The Send Facebook action on a blank board

The Send Facebook action could be used to:

  • Send an automated response when Facebook messages are received.

  • Provide alerts or notifications for order delivery, appointment reminders, payment processing, etc.

  • Incorporate customer messaging in existing third-party system processes (e.g., in connection with an existing ticket management system, customers receive a Facebook message when their issue is resolved).


Note: Before using this action, make sure your Facebook credentials are set up within your IntelePeer account. For more information check out the Facebook Quick Start Guide.


Available Variables

Available Variables are placeholders for information that are automatically determined based on the contents of your flow. For example, if your flow begins with an Inbound Call trigger, the caller’s phone number is stored as a $ANI variable. You can include sending a follow up SMS to the caller later in your flow by including the $ANI variable in the Send SMS action Inputs.

You can drag and drop the variables displayed in this section into the Inputs fields.

Check out How to Use Variables in SmartFlows for more information.



All of the following Inputs are required:


Input Name Description
Facebook Page* Using the drop-down list select the page you want to send your Facebook Message from.



Input Name Description
Input Mode*

Select a Basic or Advanced input.

Note: If you select "Advanced", the following parameter fields will not appear and the Body of your message must be entered in JSON format with the Recipient ID included.

Message Type*

Select the purpose of your message:

  • Response: A response to a received message

  • Update: A message not in response to a received message

  • Message_Tag: A non-promotional message sent outside the 24-hour standard messaging window

Recipient ID* The Facebook page ID of the person who you are sending a Facebook Message to. This is the Sender ID (output variable $fbSenderId from the Inbound Facebook action).
Content Type* Select the format of your message: Text, Image, Audio, or Video.

Attachment URL*



Depending on the Content Type you select, the Attachment URL or Text field will appear.

  • Attachment URL: For an Image, Audio or Video message, add in the URL for your media.

  • Text: For a Text message, add in the content of your message.



Each Send Facebook action includes two exit ports corresponding to the following outcomes:

  • On Success: The course of the flow if the Facebook message is delivered (port 1)

  • On Failure: The course of the flow if the Facebook message cannot be delivered (port 2)

An action must be connected to each of the exit ports to deploy your flow and the port order cannot be rearranged.