Digital Assistant

Use this app to provide intelligent call routing based on natural language processing.

The Digital Assistant application tile in the marketplace

The Digital Assistant app can be used to route callers to the Billing, Sales, Support, or Human Resources department, as appropriate, based on customer input. For example, after hearing the audio greeting message, a customer says “invoice” and is automatically routed to the Billing department.



  • Select Audio: Create Text-to-Speech (TTS) or select an audio file to greet the caller.

    • On the Audio Settings pop-up, make sure Audio Text (TTS) is selected for TTS, or Audio Library for a recorded audio file, at the top of the page.

      • For Audio Text (TTS), select the vendor and voice you want to use from the drop-down lists.

        Note: By default, vendor IBM and voice Lisa American English are used for any TTS.

        • Then add the greeting to the text box.

      • For the Audio Library, click on the audio file you want to use or click the upload icon to add a new audio file to your account.

  • Flows: Select the available departments callers can be transferred to.

    • You can choose from: Billing, Sales, Support, and Human Resources.

    • You can select all four options or just one. If a caller provides input that isn’t related to any of your selections, they will be transferred to the default phone number (e.g., if you selected Sales and Human Resources and a caller says “invoice” they would not be transferred to the Billing department, but the default number).

  • Flow Configuration: For each of the department selected above, assign a phone number and/or audio message.

    • For example, if you selected the Billing department option in the previous step, within the Billing section you can assign the appropriate number for the main Billing line and include the TTS message “please hold while we transfer you to the Billing department”.

  • Default: Assign a default transfer number and/or audio feature. This would be used if the caller provides invalid input or doesn’t respond in a timely manner (more than 10 seconds).


Once your Digital Assistant app is configured and deployed, the final step is to assign a phone number to it.