Querying Smartsheet Values

To query Smartsheet values, you need the following:

Configure Smartsheet

  1. From the menu under your profile, select Apps and Integrations.

The profile menu is highlighted, along with the Apps & Integrations menu option

  1. From the Personal Settings menu, select API Access.
  2. Click Generate new access token.
  3. Name your token, and click OK.

Step 1 of the Generate API Access Token is shown with a sample token name

  1. Your Smartsheet API token appears. Note this value for future use.

Step 2 shows a sample API token

Determine Your Smartsheet ID

To retrieve or modify the contents of your Smartsheet, you need to determine the ID of the Smartsheet:

  1. Open your Smartsheet.
  2. Select File > Properties.
  3. In the Properties window, note the Sheet ID. You use it in the following steps.

On the Properties window, the Sheet ID field is highlighted

Update Your SmartFlow

Note: Each column in a Smartsheet is represented as an ID. These IDs are needed to make inserts or updates at higher frequencies.

  1. Add an External Web Call action to your flow.
  2. Configure the action as follows:

    • CONTENT-TYPE: application/json

    • AUTHENTICATION: Bearer {Your API Token Value}


    • URL OF SERVICE: https://api.smartsheet.com/2.0/search/sheets/{Smartsheet ID}?query=

    • RESPONSE VARIABLE: Add one entry for each column you want to capture

      • Name: RowID
      • Query Expression: result.[0].objectID

The Configurations Panel for the External Web Call action with sample values

  1. When the flow is activated, it returns the row where your value is located.