Looking Up a Jira Service Desk Issue

To look up a Jira Service Desk issue via SmartFlows, you need the following:

Look Up an Issue Based on Issue ID

  1. Add an External Web Call action to your flow.
  2. Configure the action as follows:

    USER NAME: {Jira Username}

    PASSWORD: {Jira Password}


    URL OF SERVICE: {Jira instance name}.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue/{Issue ID}

    CONTENT-TYPE: application/json

  3. Configure the RESPONSE VARIABLES to capture the issue information. For more information see the Jira Issue support page.
  4. Save and Deploy your flow.

Look Up an Issue Based on Assigned User

  1. Add an External Web Call action to your flow.
  2. Configure the action as follows:

    USER NAME: {Jira Username}

    PASSWORD: {Jira Password}


    URL OF SERVICE: {Jira instance name}.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/search?jql=assignee={User Name}

    CONTENT-TYPE: application/json

  3. Configure the RESPONSE VARIABLES to capture the ticket information. For more information see the Jira Issue support page.
  4. Save and Deploy your flow.